You Won't Defend Yourself

"You ought to be punished for speaking so disrespectfully towards the duke," Irene practically shouted, her voice carrying far in the enclosed space of the courtyard. "Get on your knees or I'll have no choice but to challenge you myself. Based on the match I've just witnessed, I will make light work of you." 

The captain was surprised enough that he did bow while Henry could only look on with thinly veiled amusement. 

It was only after Irene reacted so harshly that she felt her face become hot. 

She felt Henry's hand go to her armored shoulder and she gasped. 

"You don't have to defend me," Henry uttered.

"I have to because you won't defend yourself, commander," she snapped, though she did it quietly. 

Henry didn't know what to say. Seeing Irene so passionately come to his defense made him feel almost dizzy with elation. His heart still hadn't calmed down.