Their Wedding Night

It seemed Henry had overlooked the part where he would be bathing his new wife. He remembered reading about the bath that would symbolize the shedding of her maidenhood but he wasn't expecting to be in charge of something like that. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, suddenly being the nervous one. 

His arms were around her as she faced away from him. The steaming bath was only a few feet away from them and they both stared at the milky water with flowers floating on top. There was no doubt it had been prepared with the finest soap and oils. 

"I've wanted this for just as long as you have," Irene uttered. "This is just one step closer." 

He had already removed his cloak and armor so that he could hold her close to him. It was her turn. 

After he leaned into her so he could place a kiss on her bare shoulder, she felt more convinced. 

"Help me untie this dress," she requested.