Monday came and Belle was finally discharged from the hospital although, she has to go back twice a month for monitoring until her wounds heal properly. As for her lost memories, she has to ask help from people she remembers, like Eli and and Neon. They can help her recall the people and the events that she has forgotten; not that she needed it since she was just pretending.

Walking beside Eli while he was carrying her things to the parking lot, several pairs of eyes were looking at her. Who wouldn't? News have spread that she will be staying with Eli - the most sought out bachelor of their hospital. This wasn't just the reason. Many staff heard that she was in a relationship with Eli. Both of them did not admit or deny the rumor so seeing that she was getting inside his car, everyone believed the news to be true.

Eli opened the door for her even though he didn't have to and she was caught off guard by this gesture. She said her thanks and sat on the passenger to wait for him while she fastened her seatbelt. "Tomorrow, can I go to the bank? I need to settle a lot of things that involve my finances and I'll also consult to them if they have any affordable houseloans."

"Alright. Do you need my company? I don't have work tomorrow."

"No. No need." Belle refused at once, not wanting to cause more inconvenience to the person who has been so kind to her. "I'll be fine on my own. I won't take long and it would be good for me to take a walk as well."

"If you say so."

[He's quite indifferent today.] Ceres told Belle mentally but she was not disappointed with his treatment. Perhaps if it was Belle alone right now, she would think that the man was cold. But not Ceres. [He's being shy.]

Belle stole a quick glance at the man beside her and she could not tell which part of him was being shy. (Stop messing with my head. How could you say he's being shy. The man just didn't like our presence! Stop overthinking.)

[No. You, stop overthinking. Not me. When you looked at him, I caught a glimpse of his red earlobes and a faint blush on his nape.]

(You are impossible!) Belle retorted helplessly and rolled her eyes mentally. (You better behave when you use my body while we are at his house. I don't want trouble knocking our way.)

[Hmph! Knock off now and I'll stay with him. You are such a pain in the *ss.]

Belle was pulled back to her subconscious space and Ceres took over her body. The woman was head over heels for Eli just because she looked so much like the general in her past life. She believed that the man was also a transmigrator like her.

"Eli, can we have a drive thru? I want to eat burger."

Hearing the way she called him, Eli stiffened and almost stepped on the break from the shock he received. Everytime she calls him with his name, he felt that tingling current from his head to his toes. Sometimes, he also wanted to get himself checked to make sure he didn't catch any strange illness.

"It's unhealthy to eat processed food all the time." He told her even though he has been eating those unhealthy food in the past. "We can make burgers at home."

[Home! You hear that?! Belle it's his home with us.]

(So? It is his home. That's a fact. What is so surprising about that?)

If Ceres was on another body and she was having this conversation with Belle, she would probably pounce on her for being so densed sometimes.

"It will be time consuming," Ceres said after a few seconds has passed. "I don't want to trouble you anymore."

"Trouble does not go along with your name."

"Really? You are the second person to say that."

"Who was the first?"

"My brother."

For some unknown reason, Eli felt relieved when Belle said it was her brother. If it was another man - [Let's not think of another man.] Eli told himself and continued to drive carefully. Since he said they'd make some homemade hamburgers; even when they saw the famous MacD, they only passed by it.

Eli's house was in B City, just half an hour drive to Senyu Medical Hospital if it wasn't traffic. It was situated in a high-end subdivision, that only wealthy people can afford. Eli's kind of average family was considered rich in some people's eyes. The reason why he could say he was from the middle class was because he compared himself to Travis Madrigal before, his love rival. Of course, he'd be considered average. Travis was sitting on a whole new other level and the person who could be his equal was Stefan Dumrique. If you compare yourself to them, you'd be stressed out. So, don't do it.

Stopping in front of two-story house, Ceres stepped out of the car and looked aroun, a full 360-degree turn which was very unusual for other people. In her case, it was an automatic reaction that she developed over the years as an assassin. She observed the place, the highs and lows, the place where one could hide and snipe, she did it in a short span and when Eli finished taking out her things, she smiled at him.

(You didn't have to do that, you know. That's rude.) Belle commented after what Ceres did.

[Your life - our life could be in danger without you knowing it. Eli's, Neon's, his mom; everyone else. I learned it the hardway and I don't want to deal with such a nasty event again. I'm not being rude. I'm being cautious.]

Eli led her to the house and pressed his finger on the biometric to unlock the door. As soon as it opened, Neon came running to them and hugged Eli.

Eli returned the hug and gently pat Neon's head. "I brought your sister home. I did a good job, didn't I?"

"Thank you, Eli."

Ceres and Belle were speechless. They could not even muster to converse mentally at this point. It was just a few days and Eli had won Neon's trust.

"What are you guys still standing there for? Come inside already."

'Oh no.' Both Belle and Ceres thought at the same time while looking at Eli's mom.