"What happened to him?" Dr. Emmanuellie asked Belle after checking her brother's condition. "His wounds were mixed of old and new, and his bruises varied from materials used to hit him as well. Who looks after him?"

"Doc, I don't really know what happened. I...I...he never said a single thing to me. I - " Belle broke down and sobbed in front of the senior specialist. She really has no idea and couldn't tell him anything factual. "Why does it have to be him? My brother always behaves and he never gave me any problems."

"Were you always close to him?"

"Yes. We were always together before. My brother was very clingy and sweet but I noticed that he started growing a little distant from me. I thought it was because he was growing and maybe wanted to have some space of his own."

"Nurse Ignacio, I know this isn't something that I should be telling you and maybe you would think that I am being nosy and accusing; however, I suggest that you look into the person who takes care of him when you're not around. I am not a psychologist but I learned some facts here and there when it comes to a child's changes in behavior. When you're close to the person but he refuses to tell you anything even when he was hurting, there's a tendency that the person who inflicted those painful bruises and wounds on him is someone you care about. He's probably worried that your relationship with that person will be ruined."

"Someone I care about? More than him?"

"It may not be someone you care about more than him but someone you trust."

Emilia's face immediately surfaced in Belle's mind but she shook her head as if dispersing the thoughts. She was still ignoring this idea. She just couldn't make it up in her mind that Emilia would hurt Neon, her lovely and cute brother.

The news of Neon being maltreated by someone instantly spread around the hospital and the nurses and doctors who grew fond of him felt awful. The child was always bright when he was around everyone and they never suspected him as a victim of child abuse. He didn't show any signs of being maltreated either.

Eli heard what happened and felt guilty about what he did. Based on the information he gathered, Neon was splashed with hot water probably on the day that Belle wanted to go home but he stopped her. Also, on the day she wanted to find him, he stopped her again.

The words she said reverberated in his head and he wanted to apologize for it but Belle had been avoiding him.

"Neon, I will go back home to get some clothes for you. Just stay here in the hospital, okay? The nurses and doctors will look after you while I'm gone."

"I don't want to. Belle, I want to go home."

"But she will hurt you, right?" Neon's eyes widened and this reaction finally confirmed her doubts. Her tears fell on her face but she wiped them away with the back of her hand and smiled. "Don't worry, she won't be able to hurt you anymore. I won't allow her to lay a finger on you; not even the tips of your hair. No one will ever hurt you again. I will protect you from everyone. So, no matter what happens in the future, you have to tell me the truth."

"But Belle - " Neon's nose twitched and turned red, he was worried that something would happen to his sister, too. Emilia was capable of hurting anyone she wanted to and she threatened him to poison Belle if she knows the truth. "Can you not say anything to her?"

"Why?" Belle retorted with narrowed gaze at her brother. "Why would you want to protect her when all she did was to hurt you?"

Neon didn't voice out his fear. He was still afraid even though he was far from that evil woman already. Since he kept quiet, Belle took this silence as a compromise to her plans.

After reassuring that she would be back soon, Belle finally left the hospital to visit her godmother. Unfortunately, she wasn't there when she arrived. She asked their neighbors as well but they said they haven't seen her since yesterday after she dropped Neon off at school.

Belle didn't tell anyone what she knew and their neighbors didn't tell her that they heard his brother screaming either. It was at this moment that Belle lost trust in humanity once again. With the poor soundproofing of Emilia's house, the neighbors could easily hear any noise coming from Neon if he ever cried for help, but they acted as if nothing happened.

With the things she got from the house for Neon, she returned to the hospital and found her brother sleeping with his stomach on the bed. He still couldn't sleep on his back because of the blisters. It hurts her so much whenever she sees the wounds on him.

"Uhh...excuse me..." Belle looked back and found Eli standing at the door. He was holding a basket of fruits but he didn't come in without Belle's permission. "Can I come in and see your brother?"

"What for?"

"Well, I just heard that something bad has happened to him."

"It's none of your business if something bad or good has happened."

Eli felt ashamed of her words because Belle has every reason to refuse him from coming over. He couldn't find any excuse for his past behavior either. "I'm sorry for what I did."

"I won't forgive you."

"I don't expect you to forgive me either. I just want to apologize for all the words that I said."

Belle rolled her eyes at him and shifted her attention back to her brother. Right on time, Dr. Emmanuellie arrived to check on Neon and he pushed Eli to come inside instead of blocking the door. Belle was left with no other choice but to ignore his presence while the senior specialist worked.

"I heard that you are listed as one of the nurses to join the medical mission in a mountainous village of Naga City. Have you confirmed your participation?" Dr. Emmanuellie asked while checking the sleeping child on the bed. "I won't take it against you if you won't come, especially since your brother is here. At the same time, I would be very happy if a capable nurse like you would accompany the others there. I would feel at ease with your presence there."

"I'll think about it, doc. I need to talk to my brother about it."

"Hn. I understood. Anyway, if you decide to go there, I'll ask Dr. Rivera to come and check on your brother from time to time."

"Me?!" Eli questioned with his index finger pointing at him. "I don't think - "

"You are very good with children. I am sure you will be fine with Neon. He's a lovely child."

With that being said, Eli could only smile faintly at Belle who looked away in annoyance. She abhorred his presence this time because of what happened to Neon.

Belle discussed the enlisting of nurses for a medical mission with Neon and the little guy agreed without the slightest hesitation. He understood the nature of his sister's work and he believed in the doctors and nurses. He knew that he will be taken care of if he stays in the hospital.

Before leaving for the medical mission, Belle went back to confront her godmother first but the woman was nowhere to be found.