[Summoning Pen Release 2] FATE BROUGHT THEM CLOSER

Belle finished packing her things quickly since she didn't have a lot of things. Unlike her, Neon still needed help because he received so many things from Andrei, Eli and from Jojie. When he got there, he only brought a small backpack; now Eli had to lend him a suitcase because they wouldn't fit inside his backpack anymore. 

Eli looked at the unpacked clothes in the closet and back to the suitcase which was already full. "Why don't you leave some of your things here? In that way, if you want to visit and stay the night here, you have things to use;" he suggested which brightened Neon's face. "Andrei would be happy if you would come over from time to time." 

Neon looked at his sister instantly to see if she agrees to Eli or not. Seeing her poker face, Neon played the teary-eyed look against her. He only ever did this to his family and not anyone else. It was also Eli's first-time seeing Neon being cheeky at his sister. 

"Fine. I don't mind."