[GT Bonus Release] ANDREI'S HOME

At the airport, Andrei was walking slowly along with his nanny Hapi. It was his first time flying without his parents or anyone from his family, but he wasn't afraid because his Uncle Eli knew about all the details of his flight. He was confident that he wouldn't get lost as long as he boarded the right flight and landed at the correct airport. So far, he has been doing all the right things. 

"Drei," his nanny called out for his attention, "your uncle just sent me a chat. They are waiting for us at the 5th exit gate." 

Andrei looked around to see the signage of the exit gates and when he found the 5th one, he ran as quickly as he could with his nanny following him with her eyes. If she wasn't pushing their luggage, she would be able to catch up to him. 

"Andrei! Over here!" Neon was the first one to find him and when Andrei finally saw his new friend along with his family, his face brightened as if he had just found his long-lost treasure.