"Before he turns 27 years old? Then, why are you leaving already? Isn't he 26 now? When is he turning 27?" Ceres blurted out after the shocking news she just heard. She never thought that there was a hidden story behind her constant visit to Dr. Larry in his office. 

Her loud voice caught the attention of other people, but upon seeing that it was just her and another woman, they just continued with whatever they were doing except for Dr. Larry. 

He didn't really want to eavesdrop on their conversation, yet he was curious about the person that they were talking about. 

"He's turning 27 in three days," Karis mumbled and looked up at the sky while blinking away her tears. "I wanted to continue and maybe there is a chance but, in the past one and a half years, I realized that I appeared desperate, and he probably noticed something already. I don't want to be hated more than he already feels. I'm just glad that I was able to spend more time with him."