
Servant: "Princess, you know that I will always support you in everything that you do, but...princess, can you stop having this tryst?" 

Princess: "Can't I indulge myself in a little romance? I promise that I will stop meeting him as soon as he marries someone." 

Servant: "But - " 

Princess: "No buts. As long as you keep this secret between us, I will give you back your servant contract and set you free. I just need you to go along with my whims, please?" 

---It was the same ancient setting that Belle wasn't familiar with. She was watching the events unfold in front of her as if she was really present during the time they happened. Yet, she couldn't utter a word or even touch a single thing. She couldn't even see the faces of the people talking in front of her. Their images were blurry. It suddenly darkened and a new scene appeared in front of her. ---