Once more than half of the parents came, Teacher Ady started the first-ever meeting with the parents of her students. She wrote the agenda for this meeting on the board already, so the parents knew what will be covered for this afternoon. 

Teacher Ady explained everything to the parents the importance of each agenda and she also asked if they had better ideas to offer. Since Belle was the only sister who came among all the parents, she tried her best to listen to their suggestions instead. 

At the same time, she received Eli's message, telling her that he had already arrived at the hospital safely. 

The meeting lasted for more than two hours and when it ended, Belle felt so sore from sitting on a hard monobloc from the start 'til the end. The remaining time before the class dismissal was used by the parents to ask questions about their children. 

As for Belle, she trusted her brother more than any teacher's evaluation.