[Belle, why didn't I meet you first?] Ceres repeated it in Belle's head while the latter was reading the book about the general and his life. [Belle, why didn't I-] 

(One more time and I'll close this book. I won't let you take over my body and I won't help you with your personal investigation.) 

[Hehehe. Are you affected? I was just repeating his words. You don't have to listen to me.] 

(Are you seriously telling me that stupid reasoning? You are inside my body for Pete's sake. How am I supposed to UN-hear you?) 

[Fine. Fine. I won't say anything about how he was hoping to meet -] Belle closed the book and placed it inside Eli's drawer. [I was kidding, okay. Take it out. I'll investigate this matter myself.] 

However, Belle didn't listen to Ceres anymore. She moved away from the desk and went over to the soft and comfy bed which Eli had been using in the past. 

[You are not really going to open the book again?] 
