Eli didn't plan to have dinner with Belle and Neon. He only wanted to drop the basket of fruits that he bought and return home to continue with his birthday plan. However, the conversation he heard between Belle and Allen made him change his mind. 

Now, the three adults were facing each other with Neon eating his food beside his sister – ignoring them. 

"When you said it was impossible for you and Belle to be together, you meant it in a familial way? Because she is your cousin?" Allen nodded his head to answer Eli's question. "Why didn't you say anything before? You made me think something else." 

"What did you think?" 

"That you have a thing for her!" 

Thankfully, Belle didn't eat yet. If she was, she would have choked on her food. Eli's assumption was something she never thought would ever cross his mind. (How did he even come up with that kind of reasoning?)