What's done is done

I left Amber and Ethan and went to my wolves. They took me to a strip club to celebrate getting their Alpha finally !

There were so many beautiful girls to choose from. Again, why did I wasted my time with Amber I don't know ?

They are so pretty and sexy and ready to throw themselves at me and the best part ? I can feed on them all as much as I want !

There is a guy named Stanley, who was taking care of this pack before me and he seems a good guy so, I made him the Beta of my pack.

He called few girls for me. All beautiful and sexy. They were attracted to me and to touch me. I know, I have hypnotic eyes !

They started kissing me all over. Running their hands all over my body. Teasing me. I must give it to Amber, no one is able to tease me like she did !

Her thought brought back the memories of our wild encounters and I couldn't take it. I grabbed a girl by her hair and pulled her to kiss hard.

But I couldn't !


" Kevin ! "

Amber screamed her lungs out.

And my wolves glared at her, almost ready to rip her throat out. I could have let them do it but I wanted to know what does she wants from me now ?

" Relax, boys, I know her. Oh hello, love ! What brings you here ? I thought you'd be in plane returning home after you broke my heart ! "

I said smiling teasing her.

" What... what are you doing ? "

She asked almost crying.

Broken heart to watch me kiss someone else. I know the feeling; jealousy !

" None of your concern, love. "

I said smirking.

" It DOES concerns me ! "

Amber said getting mad.

" As far as I remember, no it DOESN'T ! You didn't wanted to see my face ever again, you called me a monster, you said you can't be with me anymore; it doesn't sounds like it does ! "

I said smiling and teasing her.

She started crying at my words.

Oh, how beautiful she is looking with tears in her eyes, I just want to lick her tears and...

" Don't be like this, Kevin... "

Amber said sniffing.

" You called me a monster when, I wasn't one, didn't you ? Now, shouldn't you know who is called a monster ? Let me think... "

All the crowd started cheering,

" Yes. Yes. Yes ! "


" Yes it is then ! "

I said smirking.

I looked around and called a girl to me,

" Excuse me, love. Can you please come here ? "

When she came, I compelled her.

" You won't move. Won't scream. Won't resist me. And won't stop me, understand ? "

I said smiling at her.

" Yes ! "

Girl said hypnotized.

I locked my eyes with Amber and bared my fangs and sunk in her neck and drank till she was completely drained out of her blood; dead !

" Kevin ! "

Ethan yelled at me.

" Oh, he talks ! What is it, brother ? "

I said sarcastically.

He didn't said anything, just glared at me and my love was looking so disturbed and shocked. But she gathered herself and wispered,

" I want to talk with you. "

Amber said shaking.

" I guess, we already are ! "

I said licking thumb.

" I want to talk to you, alone ! "

She said softly.

She looked around and looked at me with almost pleading eyes !

I wiped my mouth dripping of blood and went to her. While going away, I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me and ofcourse, her bodyguard followed her !

I took her in the corner and pushed her. Ethan grabbed her before she fell.

" Be quick with whatever you want you to say, I don't have the all whole night for you ! "

I said rolling my eyes.

" Please, be like before. "

Amber wispered.

" I am sorry, what did you just said ? "

I asked putting my palm around my ear as if, to listen clearly what she was saying.

" I said, please be more human again ! "

Amber said pleading.

" And why would I do that ? "

I asked.

" For me, please ? "

Amber said hopefully.

" I remember you saying something different, just a few moments ago. Then why should I trust you now ? "

I asked crossing my arms.

" I am not bluffing, Kevin. Please just... "

Amber said.

I was out of patience to listen her whine and yelp.

" Done talking ? Now listen to me. I won't do that. I am already enjoying my life this way ! And Ethan might have told you to do this so that, I should do what you said and then, you can do what you already said ! So, no thanks.

Anything else ? If not, kindly leave. And if, you want to stay, you can. Just like all of these girls, ready throw at me !

I'll take pleasure from you whenever I want or you'll have to wait for your turn and... ugh ! "

Bloody hell !

Ethan punched me in the face.

Oh, how sweet.

The bodyguard couldn't keep his hands off me for her ! He punched me so hard, everyone in the cub looked at us and started growling at him, for attacking their Alpha !

I wiped the blood off from the corner of my lips with my thumb and scoffed.

" Relax guys, just brother's matter. He have a soft corner for the girl. And besides, I won't recommend picking up a fight against an original ! Vampire or wolf, he is an original, so. "

I said warning them.

" Come on Amber, let's go. He is beyond redemption ! He'll only hurt you. Just let's leave. "

Ethan said grabbing her hand.

" Not yet ! You will have to fight with us and if you still survive, then you can go ! "

Stanley said growling at him.