Meeting the king

Adnan stepped into the hidden entrance of the imperial palace. Along with the mysterious rider and the old man.

"Your assignment as of today is to serve the king and Queen. Attend to all of their needs without question," the man declared openly to Adnan. "As for you, your duty is to keep the young man in line. Should he step out of line, you will answer for it," he added.

"Is that it?" the old man inquired in a puzzled tone. It didn't like work at all. He dared not count his blessings too early.

"Yes, that is your only task and I expect you to do it to perfection," the man uttered leading them into the king's palace.

They had arrived in time for lunch. "Welcome back," A welcome convoy intercepted their arrival.

"Thank you," the man responded. "Get the old man settled while we attend to lunch," he instructed the servants that were before him.

Three split from the ground and took the old man to get him a room, food, and some change of clothes. While the remaining group surrounded Adnan. A curtain was held by the servants on all his sides, shielding him from sight.

A young girl who seemed no older than twelve years of age stepped forward from the four ladies holding different pieces of an outfit in their hands.

"I'm Amoela, I'll be your attendant during your stay here at the palace," she whispered.

Adnan swallowed.

He was a slave, a man of no dignity or title. He didn't see why he was being given an attendant. Adnan's job was to work at the palace as an errand boy for the king and Queen. At least that is how he interpreted the man's words.

The girl snapped his finger, and a lady holding a small basin of the water stepped closer to him. She dipped a piece of clothing in the basin of water and started ripping him off.

Adnan halted, stunned and surprised by the sudden move. "Keep walking," Amoela ushered him pulling his hand. They had gotten three steps further behind the mysterious man, and Amoela got scared.

"How can I walk when she is.."

"By putting one foot after the other," Amoela stated. She snapped her fingers twice, and Adnan was stripped off his clothes leaving him with his undergarment for cover. "We have a few minutes until he meets the king. Pick up the pace," she ordered.

Adnan was forced to endure being touched and wiped off by the lady. Trying hard to resist the urge to snap at the little girl. No offense but being stripped in front of a child should be against the rules.

He covered his upper body with his hands. Amoeba rolled her eyes, Adnan was a beauty but she had feasted her eyes on the king of Arendar. That Adnan's beauty faded in comparison.

Compared to the king and his devilish queen, no other being in the kingdom qualified to be called good-looking.

Adnan was washed and dressed as he walked behind the mysterious rider. His heart was at his throat. Amoeba announced that he was going to meet the king.

From a slave who knew no one of importance to someone who was associated with the king. Adnan's breath caught.

The King of Arendar was a figure of tremendous respect around the empire. Yet a lowly servant such as himself was getting a chance to see him. It was an honor that Adnan didn't know how to process.

He nervously dragged his feet to prolong their walk. Amoeba noticed that they were slowing down, and she raised her eyebrows at Adnan.

"What is bothering you?" she asked her voice never above a whisper.

"Nothing," Adnan responded lowering his voice.

"It's clearly something if it is slowing us down," she noted. Amoela folded her hands on her chest, glaring at Adnan to spill it out.

The ladies dressed him up in a fancy royal purple attire. Adnan touched the fabric of the dress, his heart squeezed in pain. It was the most expensive outfit he had ever had the honour of wearing.

The outfit hid the fact that he was a slave. It was a great transformation from what he was used to. Adnan thanked the moon in his heart. His prayers were answered in some ways.

He was delivered from the life of wearing rags to a life of standing tall with his head held high. As high as the king's slave can raise his head. However Adnan was excited. His heart thundered slightly against his chest.

He was so caught in his thoughts to notice the curtains being dropped and the ladies retreating away from them. With Amoela walking side by side with him, tensing the closer they got to the king's room.

"You are dismissed," the man spoke. Amoeba bowed her head in respect before striding off. Adnan blinked, pushing his excitement to the back of his head. And followed the man obediently.

He was led to a lavish black door at the end of the hallway. The room was the only one that Adnan could see as far as the hallway stretched.

The man pushed the door open and strolled in, "Come inside, young man," the man ordered.

The male stepped into the room, too shy to raise his head to incase the king finds it offensive.

Adnan vowed in his heart, to serve the king well and earn his way out of being a slave. Amd one day be his own man, so he couldn't afford to make a bad first impression.

The mysterious man dropped the leather on his body. Adnan dared to raise his eyes, he scanned the room for the king. When he didn't find another soul in the room, he released the breath he was aware he was holding.

"Where is the king?" he subconsciously asked.

The man shot a glance at him, the mask on his face coming loose, he removed the mask. Adnan closed his eyes, the shimmer came unannounced and took him by surprise.

When he opened his eyes again, the man was gone from the room.