Don't get jealous

"I've looked at you from a million angles," the king whispered sweetly. With a tongue laced with gin and a heart full of love. "I can't help but love you in each one," he added.

Soren smiled.

Javier laid his head on Soren's chest and listened to the sweet sound of the man's heartbeat. The comforting sound made him feel safe. A beat that assured him that no matter what he may face, there was always someone who will never let him fall.

He closed his eyes. His free hand drew circles on Soren's chest. The moment was the remedy he needed for the chaos happening all around him. Soren was peaceful.

The man's chambers were his haven. No drama or problem could get to him there as it was a forbidden area in the palace, and not even his mother dared to enter.

The people of Arendar feared his power but those closest to him understood what fear was. The definition of fear was his dragonling and no one dares to cross him.

Javier used it to his advantage to get a moment to release his breath and relax. "Would you love me if I destroyed what you love the most?" Soren inquired. Brushing his hand gently over Javier's hair.

The king nodded.

Deep down in his heart, he was confident Soren was incapable of snatching anything from him. Even more so what he loved the most, since Soren was a giver. His dragonling brought heaven to his feet in the name of love. Held his hand as he walked through hell and braved all the storms with him without hesitation or his loyalty wavering. That too without asking for anything in return.

Javier failed to consider the possibility of Soreb changing and becoming his enemy. "If you destroy what I love, I will learn to live without it," he said. He lifted his head and opened his eyes and gazed at Soren. "But never let me learn how to live without you. That's the day I will be truly destroyed," he confessed.

Soren cupped his face and kissed his forehead. "That won't happen. Believe it or not your highness but you are stuck with me till death," he assured.

Javier blushed.

"What is she doing here?" Soren inquired. The smile on his face fell. The softness of his eyes faded away giving room for a cold expression to form on his face.

The change in his expression affected Javier. His face took a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn. Turning his cold fierce eyes at the door to see who had the nerve to come to the east wings without permission.

The next moment, the doors of the chambers swung open, and the queen entered the room in the company of Adnan and Amoela. King Javier sat up on the bed. A displeased expression displayed on his face.

"Who gave you permission to come here, Tamira?" he asked. "For what reasons have the two of you returned to this room?" he traced his gaze from the queen to Adnan and Amoela. His tone was ice cold causing a shiver to travel down their spines.

"It's urgent..."

"I don't care if the world is coming to an end. You do not set foot in this part of the palace," the king cut off the Queen before she could complete her statement. Amoela gulped.

Adnan lowered his gaze to the ground. The image of the king that had formed in his head fell apart. The way the king changed his color would put a chameleon to shame. Adnan made a note not to judge people by how they appear to be. Appearances were deceiving and he had been fooled by the king's playful character.

He raised his eyes slightly to check if was the same man who welcomed him into the palace.

"I could have your heads for..."

Soren touched the king's hand gently. The king sighed, his eyes softening. "What is so urgent that you went against the rules of the palace and came here?" he asked softly addressing the Queen.

Queen Tamira lifted her head and for the first time dared to stare the king in the eyes. "A carriage headed to the palace was hijacked, my king."

Soren brought his hand over Javier's eyes. He opened his palm, and an eye formed in his palm. Javier stared into the eyes and saw the scene vividly as it had played out. The king's anger flared up. The carriage was carrying precious cargo for Soren.

They had been waiting weeks for confirmation of its arrival only to get news that someone intercepted it and stolen it. The king glimpsed at Soren, expecting to see a disappointed expression on the man's face. To his surprise, Soren seemed alright.

"I should have foreseen the safety of the cargo myself," he stated.

"Don't blame yourself. I would have gone for it myself if I didn't have to get your 'friend'," Soren uttered. "We both had something important to do. Instead of passing blames we need to retrieve the cargo immediately," Soren got up from the bed.

He walked over to the queen. "Thank you, Tamira. I am glad you informed me of this immediately," he spoke in appreciation to her. Queen Tamira smiled and replied, "It's my pleasure."

King Javier rolled his eyes. "She didn't do anything worthy of praise," he noted.

'Jealousy doesn't suit a king,' Soren winked at the king.

King Javier set foot on the ground. Tiptoed over to Soren with a bed sheet wrapped around his waist. Without warning, he enveloped his arms around Soren's neck and pulled himself closer to the man.

He lifted his body off the ground stopping a few inches from Soren's lips. 'I don't get jealous, I get territorial. There is a difference,' he informed Soren.

Soren looked down, his eyes creased with amusement and surprise. Javiet looks up at him, his eyes glittering mischievously. He glanced past Soren and to the queen. And boldly locked lips with Soren.

Into a hot and passionate kiss.