15: Knows your heart too well

"I told the cook not to make food for us today," Javier confessed.

Soren flashed him an innocent smile. "I made arrangements," he declared without warning.

The King obediently followed Soren to the lake where a table for two had been set under the shade of a big umbrella tree. Javier smiled. His heart was warmed by the initiative taken by his lover.

While his mind was racing through the clouds work dark thoughts of what will become of them. Soren had put the incident behind them and made arrangements for a meal to share with him.

"Even in a crowd of millions of my subjects, I won't be able to find someone like you," Javier whispered. He leaned his head next to Soren's ear and kissed Soren's earlobe. "The things I wish I could do to you, right here, right now.." he swallowed greedily. His eyes scanned Soren's body with need.

It had been a long time since he had such an allure toward the male. The passion in his eyes reignited and shone brightly.

"Namely?" Soren challenged. Javier licked his lips suggestively. A lot came to mind with regard to Soren's question. There was so much he wanted to do.

"Had it been just the two of us, you would've found out," he let out taking note of the people around them. Soren scanned their surrounding, gazing at everyone around them.

"They don't have ears or eyes to see and hear what he discusses or does," he started pointing to the servants and court ladies. As per the rules of the palace, they weren't allowed to act upon anything they see or hear. The punishment for breaking this law was death by poisoning. "He has no say. He is just a slave," Soren gave attention to Adnan.

His words harsh words towards Adnan stung Javier's heart. Adnan didn't choose to be a slave, it felt wrong to discriminate against him because of something he had no control over.

"In that regard, I was thinking of abolishing slavery in Arendar," Javier pitched his idea to Soren. Adnan was speechless. The King was serious about helping him. It warmed his heart.

Soren frowned.

"You've never cared for this before. Why did you come to this decision all of a sudden?" Soren asked.

Javier wished to give freedom to slaves. To grant them the right to have control of their own lives. It took him getting a slave and sharing a word with him to see the cages the slaves lived in.

Being a king who resided in a golden cage. He found that he had the power to set the slaves free even if he could do so for himself.

"It recently came to my attentio..."

'Do not let me get territorial with you towards your slave. It won't end well for him,' Soren snapped through their link. Javier stopped his train of thought. 'What are you going to do, I seem to like slavery in Arendar?' he added.

Soren enveloped his hand on Javier's waist and pulled him closer. His eyes looked passed the king and locked eyes with Adnan. His eyes were cold and alarming.

"I like it a lot when your eyes are concentrated on me," he confessed. The court ladies turned around to permit them some privacy. However, Adnan remained motionless. For some reason, he felt that turning sway would offend Soren.

He remained put and watched.

"What are you doing?" Javier tensed.

"Holding you," Soren replied calmly. "People are watching," Javier said as he struggled to pull away from the male. There was a lot of heat in the palace and all of it was directed at him. The last thing he needed was to get more attention amidst the chaos in his life.

"Then we better put on a great show," Soren's lips stretched into a smile. His eyes focused on Adnan as he addressed Javier.

"Let me go, Soren," Javier pleaded.

"You won't regret it if I let go?" Soren averted his gaze from Adnan and gazed into Javier's eyes. "Or are you looking for an excuse to lean on Adnan's shoulder again?"

Soren's accusation caught Javier by surprise. His mind flashed back to his walk with Adnan. He only rested his head on Adnan's shoulder to relax a bit. The weight of his problems was crushing him down but he didn't anticipate that incident to affect Soren as it did.

"Should I let you go?"

Javier held his tongue. No answer was the best response he could give in that situation.

"You seem to be having a blast holding on to other people today," Soren let out. "First the queen and then the slave but when I hold you it's a problem?"

Javier's heart tightened. His eyes moistened as he looked at Soren. The words coming out of his dragonling were harsh. Almost as though intended to serve through his heart.

Adnan's jaw dropped. The train of the conversation between Soren and Javier wasn't good. He didn't want to be the reason that the king faces any problems. The King had shown him kindness and vulnerability so Adnan understood how important Soren was to Javier.

He couldn't stand on the sidelines and watch the king receive accusations because of him.

"His Majesty cares deeply for you, Soren," he uttered in Javier's defense.

Soren glanced over at him. Digging his sharp claws into Javier's skin. 'First day in the palace and your slave already calls me by name. Why does that offend me?' Soren inquired from Javier. Javier clenched his fists around the hems of Soren's clothes. Enduring the pain of Soren's anger.

"Is that so?" Soren asked.

"Yes, he loves you so much. You mean so much to him and play an important role in his life," Adnan spoke softly. "You shouldn't get insecure about his love. He loves only you," Adnan added saying what he thought was best to solve the situation.

'He knows your heart so well. It is hard to believe the two of you met only today,' Soren claimed. He let go of the king and took a few steps back.

"Let's eat," Soren turned around and headed to the table. He let out a deep breath and blinked away the tears in his eyes.