18: Want him in chains

"Don't you dare?" he let out in a commanding voice. "I order you to stop. I don't allow you to take his heart," he added.

Soren was forced to stop. Bound by Javier's orders to stop moving or do anything. He was paralyzed in place unable to withdraw his heart from Adnan.

Javier regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth. He had crossed a line he never before thought was possible between them. Javier used their bond to stop Soren and command him. A decision that left his heart in pieces.

Soren withdrew his hand without the heart. Adnan fell into Javier's arms. The King caught him and held him gently. His eyes locked with Soren trying to figure out what the male was thinking.

"Zarlos will be yours by dusk. You should head home and tend to your lover," Soren said.

"You are mine not Adnan," Javier firmly claimed.

"Was yours. You broke your promise to me for a slave you have no relation with. I'll say it in clear words so you understand, we are over," Soren spoke up and vanished into thin air. Javier choked the link that binds him to Soren broke.

The King felt a missing piece in him. Soren was gone, physically and emotionally. Javier could no longer feel him or the link they shared. The dragon was gone. A scar in his palm opened up and blood began to trickle out. Unbinding the blood bind that was formed ages ago. His connection to his dragonling is gone.

Javier was motionless.

His greatest fear was that one day Soren would find someone better and leave him behind. Little did he expect that Soren would leave because of a stupid mistake.

Adnan groaned. Tightening his hands around Javier's neck. His movements reminded the king of his presence. Javier frowned.

A promise he made to a slave outweighed the promise to the man he loved in a moment of weakness. He betrayed Soren's trust to protect a life that didn't even belong to the owner.

It made no sense to him.

The King flipped his fingers, and his surrounding began to change. The patio of the palace comes into view. King Javier was silent, unable to form any words from his lips. Beaming thoughts crisscrossed his mind as he went through what transpired between him and Soren.

The painful truth took form in his mind. His mind was going crazy. They arrived at the palace in a matter of minutes. The court ladies came running when they saw him.

News of his return traveled throughout the palace in seconds. The imperial queen's mother together with the queen came to welcome him home. On arrival, they noticed the king standing there like a statue holding onto the slave while Soren was nowhere to be seen.

"Three went out and only two returned?" the queen asked intrigued by the scene.

"We can only hope the third doesn't return anytime soon," the imperial Queen mother commented.

"Guards!" the king suddenly snapped. The guards at the nearby stations came running at his call. They positioned themselves all around him awaiting orders. "Take him," He ordered.

The guards approached the king and took Adnan from his arms. They carried him but didn't move to wait for orders about where to take him.

Queen Tamira elegantly approached the crowd. "Take him to his room," she gave orders to the guards. However, the guards didn't move. The guards that answered the king's call were his personal guards. They took orders from the king and his lover only.

As the queen had not been given authority over them. They ignored her words and continued to wait for the king to tell them what to do.

Tamira clenched her hands into fists. Every time she tried to be a true queen in the palace. Even the lowest of servants reminded her that she was no more than a pretty face with a crown beside the king. It hit a nerve when she saw the guards remain put after she gave them orders.

It dawned on her how little her voice weighed in the palace. Had it been Soren who had spoken in her place, the guards would have marched away without breathing in his direction.

"Didn't you hear me," Tamira inched closer to her husband. She wrapped her hand around his back and held him intimately. "My king is tired. Take the slave to his chambers now!" she raised her voice.

Javier pressed his eyes closed at the high-pitched noise she made while commanding the guards. The guards remained put. The King was yet to permit them to obey the Queen as their mistress.

"Take him to the holding cells and chain him up until I give further orders," King Javier uttered coldly.

His eyes were downcast to the ground. His heart bleeding from the aches of missing Soren. The most important person in his life was gone. Leaving him feeling cold and in despair.

He wanted to shout at the top of his voice that he wasn't fine. Deep down he was broken, however, there was no one around that cared for him.

The people that surrounded him had an ulterior motive for being close to him. Mostly for the favors, they could get from his crown. The true friend, companion, and life partner he found in the cruel world of betrayals were now lost to him.

"My king, you will do no such thing," the imperial queen mother interrupted before the guards could make a move. "The purpose for which Adnan is here won't be jeopardized because of whatever reasons you find right to be angry with him. I won't allow it," his mother added firmly.

Javier inhaled and exhaled deeply. He shot his gaze at his mother. "I do not want to see his face. If he is to come before me, I will end his existence there and then," he threatened. "I do not wish to be disturbed," the king walked over to the soldiers holding Adnan.

He shoved the queen's hand from him.

The boy's face reminded him of the moment he dared to command Soren. He pulled Adnan from their arms harshly and threw him to the ground.

"I want him in chains. His movements are restricted to his room and the queen's palace if he's summoned there," Javier declared.

"Yes, your majesty," the guards responded.