28: The kiss

The two suns of Arendar rose from the east and the west. The rays of the sun shone through the window giving rise to a new day. It eliminated the darkness of the night. A day that held the tears of all that was lost the previous day.

Adnan squinted his eyes and groaned as the light hit his eyes. He snuggled into Javier's muscular chest. He slightly opened his eyes, his gaze landed on the man's sleeping face.

He stared at the man beneath him as if memorizing the cleft on his face. Which perfectly matches his dazzling eyes.

His eyes trail down Javier's face to his jaw. Adnan finds his eyes drawn to the king's lips, slightly parted as he took in slow deep breaths, they look soft and plump to Adnan's eyes.

Chiseled face, broad shoulders, and a nice head of hair and he even smelled nice. There couldn't be a better start to his day than a dream about his captivating king.