50: Her crown

"I still see a piece of clothing on her," Javier snapped his head at Adnan. 

Adnan pulled out the last piece of clothing covering the queen's body. Tamira stood still as her dress fell to the floor. 

Her body is tense. It was the first time that she undressed in front of her husband. A part of her worried her body might not be to his liking. There had to be a reason he never bothered to look at her for so many years. 

Adnan turned away not to gaze at the queen in such a compromising state. 

"What are you waiting for?" Javier asked as though the queen could read his thoughts and see what he wanted to happen. 

"Do you want me in the po-pool with you?" her voice broke. 

"Oh hell no, I have no intentions of touching you," he claimed coldly. "Adnan will," he declared. 

Queen Tamira and Adnan both flashed him stares of disbelief at his words. His cold words echoed in the room sending shudders down their spines.