73: I don't care

King Javier rode the carriage with Archidius and Soren. It was a quiet ride as no one let a word out. They all sat silently and let the cold breeze seep in through the window. 

Javier watched and counted the trees move by, it was an awkward ride. Especially after his fight with Soren. Sitting opposite the god, he stole glances at Archidius and tried to see what it was that made him so special. 

Other than the fact that he was a god, was good-looking, and had impeccable taste in clothes. The longer Javier looked the more he saw how little he stood to compare to Archidius. It created doubt in his mind as to why Soren chose him over Archidius ten years back. 

"Ask," Archidius broke his daze and turned his attention to the king. "You can ask me whatever you want, I'll answer as honestly as I can," he sounded. 

Soren moved his eyes from Javier to Archidius. Refusing to give the two a chance to engage. Fearing it would distance him further from Archidius.