Set apart (2)

Adnan stepped forward and took Archidius's hand. Going through with Brandis's plan to make the king jealous.

It wasnt right to toy with anyone's feelings. However, for the first time in his life he wished to be the master of his fate. To have the opportunity to define his life rather than sit back and wait for life to happen to him.

The idea was simple. Have breakfast with Archidius and melt the king's heart. Get back on the topic of abolishing slavery with Javier and find his way to his love. It was all mapped out in his head.

Javier and Soren stood back bewildered by the sight before them. Neither of them anticipated Archidius would make such a request and Adnan would accept it.

It was heartbreaking to watch the deity and the slave hold hands. "We will be at the breakfast table. Do not be long," Archidius let out.