88: Lies and truths (2)

Lies and truth, both depend on who is telling the story. A story changes based on the situation at hand. Such was the condition Javier found himself in. 

The events of his life called for more lies than truth. He told them so well that the receiver believed them to be the truth. 

'Love, I missed you so much. I was thinking we should go over our schedule for the party," he grabbed Soren's lovingly. Drawing Soren's attention to himself. "I was thinking we could have three dances or maybe four depending on your mood," he suggested. 

"Three dances will be fine," Soren let out annoyed by Javier coming to Adnan's rescue. He saw through the mask Javier was putting on. However, he didn't let it show. 

"That's too little don't you agree, love. We should do four at most, to catch the interest of the guests," Javier pulled Soren away as he proceeded to converse with the male.