105: Can never have

Mavlac and Klavlac shared a knowing glance without letting out a word. They spotted the target they came to Zarlos for. 

The faceless demon daring enough to harm the true king and impersonate him for so long. They stayed put and watched Soren and Javier make out. 

"Are you alright?" Princess Ameera inquired. She forced Adnan to turn away from the scene and face her. 

Adnan didn't know how he felt. His heart was shattered, Javier gave him hope that his feelings were unrequited only for him to turn around and find him running into Soren's arms. 

He was confused and puzzled. Adnan cursed his heart for hoping for more. He was reaching out for a star in the sky when he didn't have wings to fly. It was foolish of him to think that he could grasp the king when he was a mere slave. 

A person who belonged to another. His thoughts, mind, heart, and body belonged to the king. They existed for the king to command as he pleased.