112: By your side

"I'll get over you. I promise. The..these feelings that I have for you are only temporary. I swear I'll get over you. Just please, stay away from me," Princess Ameera pleaded with the queen. 

She stormed into her room like a cloud of thunder. It had been the longest day of her life and she needed rest. 

On normal occasion, she took rest as a luxury because it wasn't necessary for her to sleep as she was a demon. Yet, life gave a reason to yearn for a good night sleep. An opportunity to run away from her problems and regenerate some energy. 

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe I don't want you to get over me?" Tamira marched after her. "What if I don't want these feelings to be temporary? What if i..."

"Wishful thinking doesn't solve anything. The fact remains which you can't change even if you wanted, that you broke me," Princess Ameera roughly removed her shoes and threw them aside.