116: The faceless demon's identity (2)

"I could hurt them. I could kill them all but not you. If it's up to me, you'd never see a single drop of your blood, little bird," the faceless demon professed. 

His words weighed as much as air to the king. It meant nothing to hear him claim that his love and intentions were pure. 

Javier didn't like waking up and realizing the best years of his life were a lie. Having his world turned upside down crushed him. 

Javier stared at the faceless demon without uttering a word. The face the demon wore wasn't his own. The name he went by was stolen and the claims he made were baseless in the least. 

The King kept his gaze on the man. He had been labeled a lot of names because of the dragonling. The changeling that came into his life without warning only to ruin his stability. 

"Believe it when I say that I never meant to hurt you," the demon defended. 

Javier scoffed.