The forest

Rebecca was walking through the forest in rain, because she went on a hunting trip and got lost while hunting. When she found her way back, her mother decided to make her dinner. Rebecca took a warm bath and dozed up in the pile of duvets and pillows. When she woke up she found herself in the middle of nowhere, so stood up and did the thing she could possibly do- walk. She reached a distance that she forgot where she was, she heard a sound and followed it to a clear land surrounded by trees and bushes. She hid behind a bush and saw four men, who were dressed like hooglains. They wore white tops and fur jackets with brown trousers and a leather belt filled with dangerous object. They surrounded a girl who looked like Rebecca's age, slightly taller and skinner. her fabulous dress torn and was wounded in the arm by one of the men. One of them took him roughly by the collar and said, '' You pretty girl, will demand ransom from your parents and once we have it, we'll become rich.'', he said as his eyes was shining in greed. Rebecca looked around and saw a bunch of stones, she picked them up and changed her angle. She threw one of the rocks and it landed on the man who was holding the pretty girl, causing her to fall down on the ground. Then she threw another one causing one of the man to stumble and hit another one, making enough time for the girl to run up and carry a dagger. She was looking around for the mysterious help and saw Rebecca's little fingers, she stared too long and caught the attention of one of the men, who looked in the same direction and caught Rebecca. Rebecca took hold of the girl and created a magical barrier which made all the men fall down. Once she saw the men where distracted, she ran as fast as she could while holding the girl. While she was running she bumped into a good looking boy.