
"Goal", John screamed while watching the football match live on Television. John had always had this passion for football since he could remember. Those that called football "the Beautiful Game" Were not wrong in John's opinion.

Checking the time on his wrist watch, he noticed he had already overstayed his welcome. " Ray, goodnight, see you tomorrow at school" , John said to his one and only best friend, Ray.

'" OK, Goodnight ", Ray replied, still engrossed in the football match going on.

John sighed as he finally left his friend's place with reluctance.

John was not allowed to watch TV at home, " It will hinder your studies ", John's mom always complains whenever she catches him watching the TV, but Ray's mom was not like that.

Ray's Mom worked till late in the night, so Ray had a lot of privileges, Whereas, John's mom worked from home. so she was basically always at home, therefore John was always monitored by his Hawk like mother.

John always had to tell his mom he was going to Ray's place to do his assignment in other for him to enjoy even the most basic thing as watching TV.

John sighed for the second time as he saw his house a few metres away.

" John, is that you? ", Johns mother asked as he entered. " Yes, Mom" , john replied while he ran up to his room. Johns house was a one storey building with four rooms. It was nothing flashy or fancy, but it was definitely cozy, while John's room was on the upper floor. His room was neither big nor small. As John entered his room, a room filled with posters of famous players and different famous club logos came into view.

Johns dream had always been to be the best footballer in the world, He had the passion for football like no other, but surely this was not enough, he needed to start training hard. He had already joined his school foot ball club the previous day, all that remained was for him to prove himself first to his school and then, to the World. Unknown to John, the universe was moved by his passion, and thus decided to reward him with a gift that will help him accomplish his his goal.


John woke up the next day to be greeted with the gift from the universe. Transparent letters appeared before John's eyes.


< The Universe Appreciates Your Passion For Football and has decided to reward you.

You have been rewarded with, The Footballer's System. Do you accept, Yes/No.>