Team B vs Team F

" I can't believe it", Ray exclaimed. Everyone couldn't believe it. Team E players were on cloud nine, even they who made it happen couldn't believe it. This match was epic to them. They were now feeling like they were the best players in the world.

The Referee had just blown the final whistle, signalling the end of this exciting match with twist and turns. Full time (Team A) 2:3 (Team E).

After watching the just concluded match, the other participants were getting nervous and anxious, anxious to perform, to show the spectators, especially the Judge and the girls that they were the best.

Nobody wanted to lose, Everybody wanted to win. If you want to win you have to fight for it. That was why John had decided in his mind that he would not be going down today, as they were called forward.

" Team B vs Team F ", Their match was announced and they were now making their way to the pitch. Every one were in their own world as they made it to the pitch, they could not even be bothered by how their opponent looked like. All that was on their mind was to win this match, to prove themselves worthy to be a part of the school's team.

Team F quickly got into their 4-4-2 formation, while team B got into their 4-3-3 formation. The two teams glared at themselves as though they were enemies. John could not be bothered by it, he was now extremely focused on the game.

Team B were the ones to kick off the match.

" Phhhheeeewww "

The long awaited signal could finally be heard, indicating the start of the game.

Anthony. ( G.K )

peter - James - Matthew - Lucas (Defenders)

Ray - John - Kelvin - Steve. ( midfielder )

David - Daniel. ( Forward ).

This was the name sheet for team F.


It was 20 minutes into the game, but none of the teams had managed to gain the upper. hand. The coach was already impressed with Team F's performance, especially John. but unfortunately it was not easy to get a goal, Team B were playing like their life were on the line. The defeat of Team A had taught every participant a lesson.

Ray could be seen running with the ball at the right side of the wing, Team F quickly got into position. John and Kelvin went forward to back the two main strikers up, dangerously attacking and applying pressure on Team B.

Ray managed to put in a cross after running past a defender. John upon seeing the trajectory of the ball, jumped into the air, and with his head in position hit the ball. Team B's keeper could not keep up with the back and forth between Ray and John, and then it happened, the first goal of the match.

After struggling for 40 min', Team F finally got their first goal. Assist by Ray and a beautiful goal by John. The crowd went wild. The coach was impressed with this two boys. Those that played football once in a while knew it definitely not easy to score an header, but john managed to do it.

Of course it was all thanks to his header skill he had levelled. Hard work pays. When John remembered how much effort he had put in his training with ray, and now seeing the result, he could not help but want to celebrate his goal.

Running to the stands with Ray behind him, John jumped as high as he could, and threw a fist to the air.