Not so friendly (1)


The day for the friendly had finally arrived. The match between Stardust FC and Giant FC was scheduled to kick off at 1:00 pm.

John, Ray , Kevin and the others members of the team were already present at the location, Stardust's Field, for some briefing. Currently they were in the locker room, changing into their Team's official Jersey. This could be said to be the first time the boys would put on this Jersey. This signalled the start of their careers. This was officially their first match. The excitement in the room was contagious.

One would have thought the boys would be feeling nervous, but no, all the felt now was nothing but Joy, they could not just wipe the smile their faces.

Even just wearing their boots, they felt like they had the power to destroy their opponents, 'Giants huh, we'll see about that'.

At exactly 11:30, The Giants finally arrived in their bus. Coach Ben and the team, as the hosts went to welcome the visitors. The boys were excited to make new friends, after all they had to show sportmanship, that was until they got to see their opponents.

Each and every member of the Giant's team were Tall, with their shortest at being at 6'9. The team felt something they had not felt before, Intimidation.

Eventually, the captain of the Giant's team came to meet with their captain. It could be said that Kevin was born with the leadership Gene, Because of the way he had led team F during the tryouts, Coach Ben had decided to still make him the captain of the main team. But at this moment, all the self confidence Kelvin had always had suddenly disappeared with the wind. The Captain of the Giant's just standing before him made him feel inferior. The height was just too intimidating, making him feel like a small child that though he could beat men.

" Hey, are you the captain of the 'dust' team", The captain of the Giant's suddenly uttered, snapping Kelvin from his trance and depression. After registering the words of the opponent's captain, the Stardust team were suddenly not in their friendly mood anymore. Their excitement quickly turning to anger, all they could do was to wonder, ' Did this C**t just call us dust '. They will definitely not take this lying down.

' Who did these punks think they are '

' S**t, You dare '

The boys brain were running with different thought, they felt like if they keep this anger in any longer, they would pop.

But, surprisingly, although Kelvin was angry, he managed to reign his temper. He knew the guy was just trying to rile them up, he could not allow his team to fall to their devices.

" Yes, I am Kelvin. And you are? ".

Kelvin quickly replied before his team could lash out. By now the boys brain were about to get fried.

' Kelvin what are you thinking '

' You just admitted we being dust '

' what sort of joke is this '.

" Jack." The captain replied, although he was surprised that Kelvin could manage to keep himself in check. To him it seemed as if the Team was afraid of making an enemy of them, after all they were newbies. He did not know that the boys were currently dissecting him in their minds.

" Nice to meet you Jack. Hope we have an exciting match today "

" Yeah , we are definitely going to woop your asses "

Now Kelvin could have almost lost his composure at the line. This level of shamelessness was just too much. Gritting his teeth, Kelvin managed to barely keep the smile on his face. Kelvin knew that exchanging words would prove nothing, action speaks louder than words.

They would definitely do good to humble these guys today, ' how dare they come to our Block to humiliate us '

But for now, Kelvin was determined to be a good host to the letter. Even Coach Ben was impress with Kelvin's performance, If it were any of the other Boys they would not be able to maintain their impression like Kelvin did. ' Guess I did the right thing to make him the captain ', Coach Ben thought.


[ Thanks to those that voted. I appreciate, it helps in helping me keep going strong. ]
