Not so friendly (3).



The sound of hundreds of feet stamping rhythmically, made the blood of the warriors boil. The Giants were now feeling inferior, as though they were ants waiting to be stamped to death to death, what power was this.

The Giants were now feeling myriads of feelings, but none that they liked. All they felt was intimidation, anxiety, fear, the list was endless. Now they knew what power this was, It was the power of having a home advantage.

It was at this moment that the Giants knew that they were fucked, big time.

Kelvin looked at the fans among the spectators, loving the vibes. The mood was set, all they had to do now was to go with the plan.

' Time to end this.'

The Stardust team finally made it to the center of the field, arranging themselves in the second half of the field to the left to the Giants. Both teams stood at attention, facing the tunnel they had just walked out of. Both teams were given some minutes to recite their anthems. After all the necessities were done, and all protocols duly observed, Both teams went into position in their own half of the battle Field.

The line up for the Stardust FC was like this,

Christian. Paul. Promise.

Usos. Kelvin. John. Ray.

Hunter. Fofana. Silva.

De Gea.

They went with the 3-4-3 Formation they had already decided on, with 3 the boys - Christian, Paul, Promise - Leading the charge leaving four boys, including John, Kelvin and Ray, in charge of the midfield, while for the defence, there was Hunter , Fofana and Silva finally leaving De Gea to man the post.

Although this line up might not be the best, they sure as hell had the zeal to become one.

Meanwhile, the Giants went with the 4-2-4 formation, Clearly focusing more on their attack and defense. It was clear from their midfielders number that to them, possession did not matter much, all that the were concerned was about scoring goals and trying their best not to concede as much. The fact that they had the height advantage would have made matters worse, if the Stars had not put this into consideration during their planning.

When these so called Giants with their formation that had worked for them for ages and had rarely failed them, saw the formation of the other team, they could only shiver. There was nothing they could do about it.

The captain of the team of Giants, Jack, especially had a bad premonition. It was though the match wouldn't go the way everyone thought it would. But, before he had the time to dwell on the matter, the shrill sound of the whistle was heard.


With the signal from the referee the match kicked off at the appointed time, 1:00 pm, with the Giants being the ones making the first pass.


" Chad the match has commenced. Any speculations we have about this particular match is about to confirmed. Are the Giants going to come victorious or are the underdogs going to pull something from their asses "

" Wilson I see it, and so do everyone. No one present here wants to miss any of the action. Will the Stars be able to stand up against the Giants or is this going to be a walk in the park for the Giants"

" From the formation of the Stardust team, I'd say they are more likely to pull something her."

" Oooohhhh, the midfeilder of the Giants right wing, Calos, has given the possession to Usos of the Stardust."

" It wasn't his fault though, the Stars have really pushed them into a corner. Usos decides to make run with the ball, rather than passing to his teammates."

" The Stars are trying to create something here. Will they be the one to open the score line? "

" I don't know Chad, only time will tell. "


Usos runs towards goal. After making sure everyone was in position he gave the ball to Christian, while the rest of the team of strikers and mid feilders, made a semi circle, enclosing the defenders of the Giants and in the process intercepting any help the defenders could receive, at least the back up would not be able to arrive on time.

From the stands, one could see seven players enclosing five players, including the goal keeper.

Everyone asking the same questions in their minds.


" Is this when they would deliver a goal "


[ Thanks to those that supported me with the power stones.

I have finally come up a target for the power stones with a bonus chapter when a target is reached.

50 PS => 1 Bonus chapter

100 PS => 1 Bonus chapter

150 PS => 1 Bonus chapter

200 PS => 2 Bonus chapter.

with two bonus chapters when we hit the 200 mark.

Let's give it our all this week, although we started late, I believe we can at least go half way. Tnxs.]

[ Jay_pee •✓•]