A mistake turns out to be a blessing 1

Sir the people searching for jobs are at the reception waiting for you" Mr Anthony uttered into the ears of Jason.

You know what to do" Jason glared at Anthony.

Mr Anthony walked out of the meeting room and went to the reception.

Good Afternoon everyone, I will collect your profiles and applications then you will come back by 7am tomorrow for an interview" Mr Anthony voiced.

Mr Anthony collected their application without asking them questions about the position they were there for because of their sitting arrangement.

Nora sat on the line where those looking for a job as a Secretary were sitting.

Thanks for coming" Mr Anthony walked away.

Nora didn't have any money that she could use to go back home and her house was very far from the company and she had to go to work.

She managed to trek despite the burning sun and got home 5pm.

She laid on the ground in the sitting room due to exhaustion, a cup of water was on the table and her mom was sitting next to it.

Mom, please pass me the water" Nora pleaded.

Her mom passed the water and she gulped it at once.

Did you find a job?" Her mom inquired.

Not yet mom but I'm going for an interview in Jasra tomorrow morning" Nora answered.

Jasra is far away from here, you will miss the interview" Mrs Raven said.

I won't come back home from work tonight, I will stay around" Nora spoke breathing heavily.

Don't hope to much on this, they might not employ you" Mr Raven tied her hair with a scarf.

Can't your have a little faith, you are being annoying mom" Nora stood up from the ground angrily.

Dear, there's no food at home, what do we do? Kelvin will soon be home" Mrs Raven asked.

Mom, I don't have any money with me, do you even care if I starve to death? It's always about Kelvin. I trekked from Jasra to the house and I've not eaten anything today" Nora yelled and stormed her feet angrily.

Did you really trek from Jasra?" Mrs Raven

stared with anxiety.

Obviously" Nora said then left the house to work without eating or bathing.

Nora was angry at both herself, her parents and God. She was mad at God because, why did he make her family poor? Why was she born as the first child? Why does she have to be the one to always sacrifice something for the happiness of her family?" Nora sat at the entrance of a shop and started crying. She was tired, stressed and hungry.

Hey" A young man greeted Nora.

Why are you crying? Do you need anything?" The young man said.

Nora shoot her head and stood up "I'm fine, thanks". The young man still insisted " You are not fine, look at yourself".

I'm fine" Nora wiped her face with the back of her hands without looking at the young man.

Can I have your number at least to check on you later" The young man said.

Nora looked at his face and remembered that he was the one that she bumped into this afternoon. "I know you, I bumped into you this afternoon".

Yes that's true, can I have your phone number now?" He changed the topic and stared at her amazing features.

She had a delicate face with a long, thick hair while was tired in a ponytail style. She had beautiful amber eyes and nice, soft skin.

Sure " Nora brought out her phone and called out her phone number.

I have to go now" Nora started her journey to work.

.... Jason sat silently and went through a document on his table when Mr Anthony came in.

Sir these are the profiles of those that applied for the secretary job and that of the PR department. The Janitor's application letter will be viewed by me" Mr Anthony placed the files on Jason's table.

Come back in the next one hour to receive the report of those to be interviewed tomorrow" Jason said still reading the document.

Okay sir" Anthony walked out of the office.

After about two minutes, Jason started with the PR department's applicants profile. He selected about three people that should be interviewed intensively.

He then started the secretary's applicants profile and he opened the first file and saw his lost puppy.

Jason already made up his mind that he might never see her again but now he saw her picture with her name applying for a job as his secretary.

Truly what is meant to be will be.

He was so excited and called Mr Anthony.

She was such a funny girl, she dared to apply for a secretary job in Jasra with only an high school certificate" Jason uttered inwardly.

He smiled as Mr Anthony entered. " Sir did you find something interesting?".

Jason ignored Mr Anthony and passed Nora's file to him.

Contact her, tell her to be here by 7:30 tomorrow morning and tell the other applicants that the secretary job isn't vacant anymore" Jason said expressionless.

Mr Anthony opened the file and and checked it thoroughly before speaking.

Sir, she doesn't even have a college certificate, she's not qualified enough to be your secretary" Mr Anthony opened his mouth widely.

His boss was crazy and weird.

Do you want to lose your job?" Jason glared coldly.

I'm sorry sir" Mr Anthony walked out of the office to do as he was told.