Could it be an arranged marriage?

I'm I overacting? He won't recognize me anyways but why can't I get it out of my fucking head?" Nora sat on the sofa in her house.

She couldn't even concentrate during the meeting. All she kept thinking about was how her boss would react if he finds out.

He would make a good boyfriend" Nora chuckled. He kept asking if she was okay and this made her think that maybe he had a soft spot for her.

I will behave normally tomorrow, I promise" Nora assured herself.


Dad" Angel walked into his room with a pretentious smile.

It was the first time entering into his room, it was always out of bound

She doesn't hate her dad but his attitude. He was so greedy that he could even sell his own daughter.

After her mom died, life became tough for her. Not in financial terms but emotionally and mentally.

Her father wasn't always around, all he did was work and work to get more than enough money.

One of her father's dreams is to get rich to the point of throwing away money into the fire. He was so crazy about money.

What do you want?" Her dad said in an angry tone.

I came back from work early so I could have dinner with you but unexpectedly, you came late".

Angel was trying to behave like they were close but they weren't, not even a bit.

I told the maids to prepare a feast, let's go" Angel dragged her dad's arm and he followed obediently.

Dinner was served and the whole dining room was pin-drop silent and the atmosphere was cold.

Dad!" Nora summoned the courage to speak.

This was the first time that she would try to raise topics that had to do with blind dates.

She was always very quiet about it because she didn't like it.

You senseless idiot!! Why did you allow Jason Anderson to slide from your palm?" Her dad yelled.

She expected this, his stupid nagging. It was so upsetting but she couldn't talk because anytime she did, he asks her stupid questions.

Like, who has been feeding you? Who trained you to be a beautiful woman? Was your mom there?

All this vexed her so she preferred to stay quiet instead.

Dad, he wasn't interested in me and an arranged marriage" Angel explained.

it's not an arranged marriage, you moron. It's business, do you know how much money and power we would gain if he marries you?" Her dad hit the table in anger.

Angel flinched in fright, her father was so obsessed with money.

She had to say something that won't get him angry if she doesn't want a hot slap.

I got something for you" She clapped her hands as a signal for the maids to bring in the gifts.

Flowers were brought in, different colors but similar fragrances.

Dad... I got this on my way" Angel smiled.

Though it was a fake one.

Angel picked up the bag and showed her dad the gifts.

It was six beautiful wristwatches.

Dad, do you love them?" Angel smiled.

Her dad buried his head in his food and pretended not to hear her words.

Angel heaved a sigh "Dad, you know how much I'm working hard for us to get more money and power but... I can't get married without true love" Angel voiced calmly.

What's true love? Love isn't real... it's just an illusion that doesn't exist".

Dad, it is re..." She was cut-off mid-sentence by her dad.

You can't see it or touch it. End of discussion" Her dad stood up to leave.

What of the gift I bought?".

Her father rolled his eyes "Drop it in my room".

Her dad walked away.

Angel got up and threw a glass cup to the ground "He's just so frustrating!!" She practically yelled at top of her voice.

Why doesn't he believe in love? I thought he loved mom... or could it be that it was also an arranged marriage?.

"I have to go get a drink".

Angel took her car keys and left the house