I'm concerned

Leave me alone" Angel shouted without even looking at the person calling her.

She was hurt real bad but she couldn't show it at all.

It pained her heart so much. She walked to her car, locked it, and drove out with speed.

Angel was at a very high speed right now and she actually wished that she could have an accident and die.

The pain and stress were just too much for her to handle.

Angel drove to a quiet place, it was her spot.

The place was near a lake, very quiet and conducive for her to shout at the top of her voice.

Angel could only come here in daylight so she stuck with the rooftop of her company at the night.

She had the urge to call Nora but she cut the call when remembered that she would be at work.

Angel knew that if she called Nora now, she would leave work and come to her... but it wasn't the right thing to do.

What if Nora losses her job because of her? It would make her guilty for life.

Angel needed someone she could lean on and listen to her stories but Nora had too many problems herself.

Angel gathered stones and started to throw them into the lake.

She was in tears and she yelled her heart out.

She wasn't afraid to do it because she knew no one was watching since it was a work day.

A call came from Lily but Angel ignored her and turned off her phone.

She needed to be alone right now.


"Why are you still here??" Lily walked in and saw Ryan in the cafeteria.

"I waited here for Ms. Angel so I could order lunch for her" Ryan raised the plastic bag where the food was kept.

Lily bent her head "Ms. Addams left about an hour ago and probably, she's crying somewhere".

"What do you mean by she's crying somewhere?? What happened to her? Is she okay?" Ryan was in an anxious state right now.

Lily didn't say anything and this made him furious.

He held Lily's hand and dragged her along with him.

He entered his car and Lily also did the same.

"What happened to Angel?".

Ryan forgot to use "Ms" but he wasn't bothered about that.

Lily lowered her head again "It's an confidential information".

"Would you prefer her to be somewhere crying or do you want someone to meet her and pet her?".

He was very sure that he wouldn't be able to pet her because they weren't that close but he had to say that.

Lily raised her head "It was my fault, she tried to support and help me but it turned against her".

Ryan didn't say a word, his eyes were fixed on her, and was watching all her movements.

Lily then explained everything that transpired between them, Ryan felt so sorry for her.

"So....she got slapped because of me?" Ryan whispered but it was loud enough for Lily to hear.

"No...it was not because of you, I caused it. She didn't want me to get sacked".

Lily continued "And I think that she expected the slap from him because she didn't even move after he slapped her".

"That means it's not his first time hitting her" Ryan picked up his phone and dialed her number but it was switched off.

"She already switched off her phone a long time ago".

Ryan opened the door of the car and got down, rushing into the building again.


Nora was at the office trying to learn more about Jason and his achievements.

She was asked to do it so that it would be more convincing to his mom.

But her only thought was that she wasn't sure if his mother would recognize her.

It worried her so much.

Nora heard her phone ring and saw a missed call from Angel.

But it seems that she just flashed her so she tried to call back but her phone was switched off.

I hope he didn't hit her again" Nora said as she picked up her phone and a document.

She walked into Jason's office and submitted the report.

"That's the report you asked for sir".

"You can go," Jason said without even looking up from his computer.

"I would like to ask for permission to leave early...I think my friend is in danger".

She was so worried about Angel right now.

"What's on my schedule for the rest of the day?" Jason stared at her.

You are free for the day sir".

Jason sighed and then thought if he wouldn't actually need her.

To be honest, he was already used to her.

"You can leave...and inform Assistant Anthony not to let anyone In".

Jason walked to his inner room and lay on the bed.