Sudden Change

It's been two weeks and nothing special has happened other than Dylan and Nora hanging out often.

Nora sat in her office daydreaming about how beautiful her wedding would be because it seemed it was coming near.

Dylan had asked her out on a date and it was tonight.

She already finished her work for the day and decided to think about her life before going home.

She didn't love Dylan but she was going to give him a chance in her life.

There was this connection between them that she found spectacular.

There was also a kind of familiarity she felt when he was around.

His personality was similar to that of Kay, her high school lover.

Nora picked up her phone when it rang. It was Angel.

"Hey babe"

"I thought you have forgotten me" Nora pouted.

"I'm so sorry, I have been so busy. I would be coming tonight, I have something to tell you"

"Alright, let's meet at 9:30 pm"

Nora tossed her phone and picked up her computer to leave the office.

She decided to see her boss before leaving the office.

Nora knocked before entering.

She met him working on a document.

"Sir, I would be on my way" Nora voiced to which Jason just nodded with his head still buried in the documents.

It was weird that he didn't ask her why she was leaving so early.

"Do you need anything?"

Jason rose his head and gave her a deadly glare like she had done something wrong.

She was so surprised, though he usually had mood swings but he has always gotten it away from her.

Everyone in the office always praised her for being lucky to be treated specially by the CEO.

A reporter once asked him why he treated her with respect and dignity but he didn't respond.

But his sudden change started at the beginning of the week.

He started being so mean to her that every of her slightest mistakes he overlooked before started to irritate him.

"Sir, did I do anything wrong?"

Jason stood from his chair and walked to where she was standing "Do I have to be nice to you?".

Jason moved closer to her that there was no longer space between them "Get out!!".

Nora's heart shattered. What was happening to her boss? Why the sudden change?

She picked up her bag which had fallen and ran out of the office.


Jason walked to the water dispenser and took a cup of water.

He placed his both hands on his head and shot his eyes "This is crazy"

"Why the hell did she come in?" Jason threw the cup to the ground and it shattered into a million pieces.

Two bodyguards entered his office to know the cause of the sound.

Jason has never thrown a fit in any place except his room.

He picked up his jacket and exited the office.


Nora got dressed and met Dylan in a restaurant.

It looked quite expensive though but she worried less about that.

She was still worried about her boss' attitude.

Jason was not always like this and they still met twice two weeks ago but as Isabel.

Dylan ordered the food for them both but she wasn't eating.

Dylan who was worried about her held her hand "Are you okay?"

Nora nodded and picked up the fork to start eating.

"You can tell me"

" boss just suddenly changed and I'm getting worried. Could it be that something happened? I don't know if he is okay?"

Dylan stared at her in disbelief. Wasn't she talking about Jason Anderson?

"Are you kidding me? We are on a date" Dylan yelled.