I miss her


Nora made sure to stop at the supermarket to buy extra treats for Angel as she was coming the next day.

Shit" she rushed home as she checked the time and noticed it was past midnight.

I can't believe that shitty boss of mine made me work till this hour and didn't drop me at home.

Her mood changed on recalling how he told her to retype the contract almost twelve times "He's so annoying, arrg-h."

On getting to her home, she noticed a figure curled up beside the door with their face buried in between their legs.

Noticing that it was Dylan because of his viking-gold hair whispered "Dylan?"

Pulling his head up, he stood up and wrapped his hands around her "Nora, I'm sorry"

"Baby please forgive me. It was thoughtless of me to walk out on you.

I promise that it would never happen again. I was jealous and stupid, please forgive me."

The thought of losing her made his heart ache. He has loved her since they met but he fucked up before, but now, he was going to treat her right.

Nora didn't react to his hug, instead she frowned "What are you doing here?"

"Baby, you weren't picking my calls. I was worried sick" His voice was tender. "Why are you just getting home by this time?" He broke the hug to stare at her beautiful face.

Nora sighed " Do I have to tell that?"

"Yes, I'm worried"

Unlocking the door "I was working".

She made her way into the house without inviting Dylan in.

Dylan stepped his foot into her house and walked to the couch to have a seat.

Looking at her house, he noticed it was kind of unclean but he didn't care.

"I didn't ask you to come in, did I?"

"I'm so sorry"

Nora rolled her eyes and sat opposite him "I hardly cook. It's only noodles that are available"

Dylan smiled "It's okay, I'm not hungry"

Dylan laid on the couch covering himself with the blanket that was laying on the ground.

"Are you staying over??"

Dylan nodded and shot his eyes closed.

"No, you can't stay."

"I hate sleep overs."

"Get out."

Dylan didn't respond to all of her rantings as he was too tired.

In annoyance, she went to her room and shot the door.


A figure was strolling back and forth "Isn't she coming?"

Ryan has been coming to the rooftop for weeks now waiting for Angel to come.

He lost his phone and couldn't get her number back.

"Is she avoiding me?" Ryan asked himself an honest question. "No... maybe she is busy".

"Why would she avoid me? I didn't do anything wrong...or is she still mad about the other day?

I hope she is okay. I miss her so much and I need to see her."

Ryan left the rooftop to go back home.


Angel also got home past midnight. She just came back from her quiet place.

She decided not to go to her usual spot, the rooftop, because she didn't want to see Ryan.

It was a pain in her heart that they couldn't be together as Ethan might want to marry her.

She doesn't feel anything for Ethan but if he brings a proposal for marriage, she would accept.

Ethan was calm, handsome and rich. He would be better than anyother rich young men out there.

She entered the house and sneaked to the stairs to avoid being caught by her dad as they haven't still settled their dispute.

"Ms. Angel Addams!!"

Angel froze on hearing the thick harsh voice. it was her father.