
Angel whispered to her "He is so childish. I would have left but...food is involved"

Yes, that's how much Angel loved food. Probably because she was deprived of it when she was young.

Her mother wanted her to do pageantry, and because of that, she had to starve to be in good shape. She didn't hate her mother for it as all her rich friends were doing it at that time.

She was only allowed to eat fruit from childhood, any other food was prohibited except Sundays.

It was Nora that changed all of that, she was already at the peak of her career when her mother left.

By now she would have been Ms. America or Ms. World if her mother hadn't left the house.

They all sat around the small table and ate. Angel was ignoring him big time, but she was eating his food. Funny right?

Dylan hated being ignored but he needed Nora's heart, and to get that, he must be on good terms with her best friend.

After the meal, Dylan left as Angel wanted to spend the night. He planned to pass the night at her place.


As soon as Dylan left, Angel began to talk "Nora I want to tell you everything" Angel pressed her lips against each other.

"About? Are you hiding something from me?" Nora knew that she wouldn't have any sleep that night.

Nora stood up to bring some drinks from the fridge before sitting next to her "Go on"

"You remember Ryan?"

Nora nodded as she didn't want to divert the topic.

"I think I'm in love with him. I met him on the rooftop of my office. He comforted me when I was down. He has come to my office twice"

Nora screamed "What!! You are in love?" she didn't want to laugh. "Don't tell me you did something stupid".

Yeah, Nora knew her too well. Angel wouldn't have told her all of that if she hadn't done something crazy "So, I went on this date with a man called Ethan Husthon..." she was interrupted by Nora again.

"Husthon? Isn't that the second most prominent family in the country?"

Angel nodded "You are one of the reasons why the Andersons are still the most prominent" she bragged. "Nothing happened during the first date as he was reserved and too cold.

Then I thought he wasn't interested in me, so I was so happy. We had another date where I met Ryan in the restaurant with another woman" She started crying.

Nora was so confused. First, Angel was in love? Secondly, She went on a date twice without her notice. "Angel, I hope you didn't make a scene at the restaurant?" it was the only question that came out of her mouth.

Angel shook her head "I almost did"

Nora hugged her tightly before they both drifted to sleep.


Ethan, I think that woman is his wife" A man in a black suit stammered.

"You think? I told you to look into that guy and you are here telling me that you think" Ethan snapped angrily.

"Bro, calm down. I would look into it before tomorrow"

Ethan had asked his best friend to look into the woman Ryan brought to the restaurant that day but no information has been found.

He stood up and picked up his suit "I want information about that woman before noon tomorrow"

He exited the office to his inner room. He needed to protect Angel, she has always been on his mind.


Angel walked into the CEO floor elegantly. She stopped as reached the receptionist's table "I'm here to see Mr. Husthon"

"Do you have an appointment ma'am" the receptionist replied with disdain in her face.

"No, but please tell him that Angel Addams is here to see him" Angel was less bothered by her behavior.

She eyed Angel "What makes you think he would want to see you? You are not that beautiful and important dear"

What the heck is this lady spitting out of her mouth? Does she think she's here as a prostitute?

"I don't understand what you are saying but please kindly tell Mr Husthon that I'm here to see him" she was trying her best to remain calm.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the security to throw you out of here, you prostitute"

It's not her fault anyways, what I'm I also doing here? My feet keep controlling me, doesn't it?

Angel turned around to leave when she suddenly heard a sound. It echoed through the hallway.

She turned around quickly to see what just happened when she saw Ethan. Did he just slap her?

"Don't you ever insult my guest again" he walked to Angel who was now frozen on a spot. He held her hand softly and pulled her to follow him to his office.

As soon as they entered, he offered her a seat. "Sorry about what happened earlier, I would punish her for it"

"No...no you don't have to punish her for it, it was her job to stop me from coming in" Was she trying to justify what the lady just did?

Ethan's face tightened "She was supposed to stop you, not call you names"

Someone entered quickly "Bro, I found something about Ry...

Sorry, I didn't know you have a visitor" he apologized quickly. "Good afternoon Ms. Addams, it's nice meeting you"

Angel being surprised at how he knew her name just nodded to his greeting before turning her gaze to Ethan.

Ethan picked up his phone "Tell the trash at the reception to pack her desk and leave before I come out. Also, put out a vacancy for an experienced receptionist. After that get me Orange juice and three cups"

Angel exclaimed "Why? It was just a little mistake that could be overlooked"

Aiden laughed loudly when he heard what she said "That mistake just ruined her life forever"


Hey lovelies,

I'm so sorry for the late update,

I just finished my exams.