Long lost mother

Everyone turned to the direction the sound came from. "I couldn't help but notice the disregard my wife received from you and your colleagues. Do you know who she is?" His voice was calm but firm.

The lady caught off guard couldn't help but shiver. "She is my wife. She's Mrs. Anderson. The lady of this establishment. Treat her with respect or I will destroy you" Jason's gaze didn't waver as he spoke.

The salesgirl stammered in response "I-I apologize, sir"

Nora couldn't help but smile. She didn't expect Jason to notice what they were doing and to even support her openly like this. Nora's confidence began to resurface, no longer intimidated by their envy.

The manager, who was in his office heard the commotion and came out. Sighting Jason, he bowed "We-welcome sir" he stammered. "W-why didn't you inform me that you were coming Sir?" he smiled awkwardly.