You married a dangerous man

"That was my intention when building this place"

Nora and Angel turned around to see where the voice came from. It was Jason. "Hi, ladies" He waved with a gentle smile. Though, he still had his usual arrogant look.

"Hi, Mr. Anderson" Angel greeted with a little frown. "I wasn't eavesdropping, I just happened to be over there when you were talking" He pointed to where he was sitting.

Nora whispered "I thought you were in your study"

"I was until I heard about the arrival of Ms. Addams" He answered Nora before turning to Angel "Welcome to OUR home, Ms. Addams" He said stressing the word 'our'.

"Please call me Angel. I'm your wife's best friend"

"Hmm, in that case, you have to call me Jason. I'm your best friend's husband"

Angel nodded. Then an awkward silence envelops them.

Jason just stood there, standing in front of them. Nora's eyes went to his finger that was now bandaged. "I guess Butler Park followed my instructions" she muttered to herself.