Remember your place!!

Jason had sat down for almost an hour, waiting for Nora to arrive; he didn't want to eat without seeing her eat.

"Hasn't she arrived?" he questioned Butler Park. "Her bodyguards said she arrived an hour ago"

"Then why isn't she coming out?"

"Jason, maybe she is tired. You know how Samantha could be very hard to please"

Jason picked up his phone, dialing a number "Brother Jason" the person greeted.

"What tedious things did you make my wife do?" he ignored her greeting. "Brother Jason, why are you being so mean?

Firstly, you made sure three hefty men follow her because you didn't trust me with your wife, now you are accusing me of forcing your wife to do tedious stuff?" she cried over the phone.

"Did she tell you that I made her do tedious stuffs?"