The Kiss

"Why didn't you wait for me to bring you home?"

"No reason" she answered without looking at him. "You really don't want to have anything to do with me, right??" He asked her with feelings of pain written all over his face.


Jason was quiet for some while before speaking "Let's get a divorce then"

Nora raised her head from her food and stared at Jason "Wait what?A divorce? Wow" she muttered to herself.

This was no joke at all. He wanted a divorce when they only had two months before the end of their contract?

Nora bent her head back to her food and shut her eyes tightly "Okay, if that's what you want"

"It's you that wants this not me" he dropped his fork, and paid close attention to her.

"Me? Wow" she stared at him with a look full of fire, blaze, and fierce. "Yes. You said you that want to have anything to do with me, and only a divorce will make that happen" he answered her with a straight face.