Chapter 1

Tian Zhi You was driving her car on a long bridge, she look coldly at the cars who are chasing her since she left her office.

Tian Zhi You is 25 years old now, her mother raises her as a boy to introduce her as the firstborn son of Tian.

When she turned 10, then she was dumped to the Tian head to train as the next head.

But before her mother left she looks at her coldly and warn her

"You will be dead if your grandfather found out about your real gender! don't forget that!"

Tian Zhi You is raised unlike others so she becomes extremely indifferent, to her nothing matters.

Her grandfather trained her because her father is a disappointment so he had no plan to give the Tian company to him.

And because Tian Zhi You is the only legitimate 'son' and first born so Tian Zhi You is the only rightful heir.

She was trained hard, from body combat, sword, and knife combat to different firearms.

At the age of 15, her grandfather train her to manage to company, and she learned fast.

So she was called the Tian genius of once in every century.

After 10 years the Tian family becomes more affluent, but she builds a tall and thick wall around her that no one can enter.

Nobody can enter her eyes, she becomes more indifferent and cold, and she becomes heartless and coldblooded.

So even facing her assassins, she doesn't have any reactions.

Then she laughs mirthless then mumbles

"My good mother can't wait to kill me because the old Tian is dead, I am the remaining stumbling block to her right? but what will be her reaction when she found out that once I die, everything I have will go to charity? even all of her properties that I 'gave' her?"

But too bad she won't be able to see it!

She can avoid her pursuer or kill them but maybe she is already bored and tired of her life.

She already achieved a lot except for the one thing she badly wants to have.

Her freedom! she wanted to be free! shackle free from everything.

She wanted to live her life as she want that she never had a chance to have.

She achieves the power and wealth that not anybody can have but she is not happy with this.

Maybe in her mind, her death is the only way to have this freedom.

She steps hard on the accelerator until it reaches the car's speed limit then she maneuvers to her right side then her car crash into the bridge barricade.

The car was very fast so it destroy the barricade then her car flew towards the river.

Tian Zhi You's head hit the steering wheel because of the huge impact so that is why she is already confused even when the car fell into the river.

Her mind is already blurry but she keeps on hoping to have freedom in her next life.

The car was falling to the depths of the river, the water is already rushing inside the car but she didn't do anything and stayed still waiting for her death.

When the suffocation came she smile feeling relief.

Feeling her choice is correct, death is the only thing that can give her freedom.

She has no regrets.

She can earn the money and she can have the power if she wanted, but freedom can't be bought with money or can be snatch by power.