Chapter 12

"Young master Cao is really admirable! even managed to escape from his guards"

Cao Yuze ignore her teasing and shout

"You are injured!"

Song Zhi You chuckle at the ignorant young master Cao

"Let us go!"

And walk away normally like she wasn't hurt at all, which makes Cao Yuze more worried

"Let us go to the hospital first okay?"

She just shook her head and said

"No need! your injuries are all superficial"

"I am not talking about us!"

He roars angrily but she still ignores him and calls a cab.

"W-what about those people?"

One of them asks still scared of what happened

"Don't worry! someone will clean them up"

She said carelessly, the middle schoolers were still immersed in the trauma so they keep their mouth shut except Cao Yuze

"Song Zhi You we will go to the hospital okay? you are"


she said through gritted teeth, the driver glance at their unkempt appearance and shake his head thinking how naughty the children these days are.

Song Zhi You bring the kids to her apartment, nurse Mu was startled when she saw the middle schoolers with her.

"Mu Lei, what happens?"

Mu Lei looks at his mother with reden eyes

"M-mom! w-we just want to buy something but s-some bad guy w-wanted to take brother Cao! w-we resist t-then this sister come and help us!"

Nurse Mu was shocked and then lead them in,

"Nurse Mu check the kids"

She said but Cao Yuze decline

"You were the one who has a serious wound!"

Nurse Mu was startled again only then she noticed the bloodied shirt of Song Zhi You!

"M-miss let me see the wound first"

But Song Zhi You avoid her and repeat her words

"Nurse Mu I am fine! check the children first"

Nurse Mu already knows how hard-headed she is so she checks the others first.

Cao Yuze wanted to protest but nurse Mu'a words stop him

"If you really want to know her condition let me check you all first, she won't let me check on her unless all of you are checked"

Nurse Mu hurriedly out medicine and wrap the other's injury then turn to now pale Song Zhi You.

She raise her shirt and saw a finger long slightly deep wound on her side, she was already starting to clean the wound when someone knocks on the door.

Mu Lei open the door and shakily took a step back seeing a looking dangerous man.

"I didn't know you are having a party"

But Lu Zhimming's words abruptly halt when he saw a glaring wound on her white and tender side.

He coldly looks at the middle schoolers then call his assistant

"Go to your room"

He said but Song Zhi You decline

"It's fine here"

Lu Zhimming chuckles and gently carries her without a word.

Song Zhi You's eyes widen and coldly ask

"What do you think are you doing?"

Lu Zhimming ignores her warning snarl and put her in her bed still gently.

"Do you want to corrupt those children's minds?"

He asks then meaningfully looking at her exposed skin.

Song Zhi You never really care about these small details, and for her, those are children so she didn't care.

She shook her head don't understand him and just turn her eyes away from him don't want to talk to him.

Lu Zhimming chuckled then left the room and close it.

"Take these children back to their parents"

He said when he saw his assistant, Cao Yuze didn't want to but was scared by Lu Zhimming's look

"M-my mother is nurse Mu!"

Mu Lei said but Lu Zhimming's subordinates already pull them out.

"Investigate what happen and catch all those bugs who had bit the little beast"

He said again to his assistant.