Chapter 26

He Shoi-ming was awoken in his deep thought by Cao Yuze's ringing mobile phone,

The phone call was just very brief, after the call, he looked at them then said

"My father is inviting you for some tea"

Song Xinyi has long been fascinated by Lu Zhimming, so her eyes brighten when He Shoi-ming is invited by master Cao.

But her happiness was doused by Cao Yuze's next words

"And my father said that don't bring that woman, the man beside my father doesn't like dirty things"

Song Xinyi's eyes widen

"Young master Cao please stop insulting me"

Cao Yuze swept a glance at her then said to He Shoi-ming

"You are obviously here to help her and yet she still has the cheek to seduce someone in front of you? disgusting"

Then strode towards his father's car.

He Shoi-ming know, he already knows that from the start Song Xinyi is not as good as she is portraying herself, but because of that one smile who helped him, he is willing to cheat himself.

But he is not stupid enough to gamble his family's business for her.

"Xinyi go home! this will be the last favor i am giving you, after all, i'm pretty sure after this i will be nothing"

That is right! he is willing to shoulder everything! it was his fault so he will take all the consequences.

He just hopes that master Cao is willing to compromise.

"No! let me talk to them! it was my fault! i don't want them to misunderstand you"

He Shoi-ming stare at her then said

"That man already saw through you!do you think he will fall for the petty tricks you are using? he is different from us who you have been wrapped around your finger! stop dreaming of the impossible! but if you still want then i will still bring you"

Song Xinyi didn't care what He Shoi-ming said as long as she can talk to Lu Zhimming, she is sure that he will like her.

She is confident that she will succeed, she is already used to this thing.

Seducing a man is really easy for her.

He Shoi-ming just laugh at himself seeing Song Xinyi acting like this.

Song Xinyi is extremely confident but was shamed again by the driver's word

"Master Lu doesn't like dirty things"

He Shoi-ming felt a little pity for her but this is what she liked and he won't help her anymore so he board the car.

Song Xinyi froze then ask pitifully

"I-i just want to talk to master Cao! p-please dont misunderstand"

But she was just ignored, the driver rode the car and drove off, living the pathetic Song Xinyi behind.

The parents who were left the watch the show laugh

"Deserve it! still young but already know how to seduce a lot of men!"

"This kind of person should throw in a garbage bin!"

"I pity the man who wants to help her!"

The woman around talk doesn't care a bit if she heard it or not.

Song Xinyi glared at the crowd around her and march toward her car.

She bit her lips feeling unwilling.

It was the first time she didn't succeed, first in shaming and bringing down Song Zhi You second on climbing on Lu Zhimming!

She mark this day on her heart and swore to pay this debt 10 folds!

Meanwhile at Song Zhi You, after entering the school, she first goes to the infirmary for her scratch.

Although it wasn't that bad but nurse Mu repeatedly told her to go, so she have no choice but to go.

She doesn't know what happened outside when she comes in but, she knows that Cao Yuze will surely tell her what happens afterward.

The exam started, she felt the tension around her and smile at herself.

She never felt panicked, her grandpa taught her to be calm and don't panic because it will greatly affect the outcome of her effort.

But she doesn't feel that she is calm, she knows that she is just cold and indifferent so there is nothing can make her panic.

Even when her grandfather died who took care of her and gave her everything died, she never reacted.

Even when her mother plans to kill her.

She felt nothing.