Chapter 31

The man and the onlookers are getting paler and paler with each word he says

"M-master Lu please spare me! i-i was just drunk and confuse! i-i beg you please"

Lu Zhimming didn't even spare him a glance and waited for Song Zhi You's decision.

Maybe because of his coat or maybe his presence but she is calmer now.

She shook her head

"Just let him go"

Lu Zhimming was surprised by her answer and chuckled,

The wild beast seems to learn how to be considerate.

"Heard the young miss?"

He said to his assistant and ask Song Zhi You

"Want to go home?"

Again she shook her head and said

"I am celebrating with my classmates, i cannot just leave them"

He didn't say anything anymore and just lead her to their box.

Her classmates follow, Lu Zhimming sits with her and hand her a juice.

When the boys saw Song Zhi You with Lu Zhimming most of them felt lost and a little disappointed.

Lu Zhimming can see through them but he considers himself nowhere near a jealous and possessive person but after meeting the little wild beast, he had this urge to dominate her, hide her, and let her see only him but, it will surely anger the little beast.

And he doesn't want to taste her wrath so he can only control these dark urges.

"Why are you here?"

Song Zhi You suddenly ask

"I am attending a meeting upstairs"

She nods and turn to the teenagers

"Hey! let us continue our celebration! Don't mind him!"

The teenagers who know Lu Zhimming are dumbfounded!

Who can ignore this big living budha with them?

But the ones who don't know start making small talk with Song Zhi You

"Song Zhi You! you were amazing earlier!"

"How you kicked the as***le earlier is really satisfying!"

"That man deserved it!"

"Where did you learn those cool moves?"

Song Zhi You smile and start talking with them until the atmosphere lightens again and the drinking starts.

"You are not drinking?"

Lu Zhimming asks seeing her never let go of the juice.

"I want to check on these children! i don't want them to have an accident"

He chuckle at her answer and assure her

"This is my turf! no one will dare to mess around! the one earlier will be the first and last!"

Song Zhi You look up at him, so he bows his head to look back at her,

Because of his coat, she looked like a child stole an adult's coat.

His coat reaches her knees, longer than her dress, and her small hands are hidden well, so she has to fold the sleeves so they won't obstruct her.

She nods then takes a cocktail for herself.

He chuckle seeing her drink without hesitation after his assurance.

The wild little beast is now has a lot of trust in him, he noted again.

"By the way, the dress is nice"

He suddenly said that makes her snort

"The children wanted me to wear a dress so i let them, it was uncomfortable you know? i felt bare"

He laugh again, fixing the coat on her shoulder

"So you will dare to wear again?"

"Maybe i will wear more dresses in the future, i need to learn you know? but i will never wear this kind again!"

Lu Zhimming inwardly nod his head.

He doesn't want her showing a lot of skin, he knows that he is being unreasonable but he cannot stop himself from thanking that she doesn't like revealing clothes.

"I will help you choose then?"

She knit her eyes and ask brusquely

"You have a lot of experience?"

Lu Zhimming saw her eyes becoming cold unknown to herself so he seriously explain while happily laughing inside

"You will be the first and will be the last"

Song Zhi You nod, there is an indescribable feeling within her when the idea of him buying dresses for some women,

But when she heard that she will be the first, the feeling disappears, this emotion is new to her so she don't know how to deal with it.

Lu Zhimming saw the confusion in her eyes and felt happier.

The little beast has given birth to new emotions.

Later on, he will teach her how to deal with those new emotions of her.

No rush, he has a lot of time.