Chapter 34

Although extremely busy Lu Zhimming is still trying to brush his existence to Song Zhi You.

His efforts are already sprouting. Song Zhi You have already learned to take the initiative of calling him or sending him message.

The first time he received a phone call from her brought extreme happiness to him!

Her taking the initiative to call him is already a huge step! she is now concerned about him.

Song Zhi You have already given birth to a lot of emotions, unknowingly it was all towards Lu Zhimming.

When she called him just to ask him how was he, she was startled as well, but when she heard that he is fine, the unspeakable feeling inside her surprisingly disappear.

She knows that she is already concerned about him, and it is not just because of the business they are building together but, there is something else.

She think about this for whole two days and finally had an answer so she hurriedly call him again

Lu Zhimming smiles brightly when he sees who the caller is

"Lu Zhimming are we considered friends?"

Her question when he presses the answer button.

Lu Zhimming was dumbfounded, then laugh feeling elated from her question

"Little beast, tell me, what is friend means?"

Song Zhi You think for a long while then said

"A trusted person? no! a worthy of trust"

"Then do you trust me?"

"Yes!I truly trust you! you are the first one"

She answers directly, Lu Zhimming laugh again

"I am glad! if that is what you think then, i am your friend"

Song Zhi You pause and ask


Lu Zhimming knit his eyebrows and ask

"Are you outside?"


Although confuse by the sudden question still she answer directly,

Lu Zhimming is relief then

"Little beast you just smiled arent you? too bad i didn't see it with my eyes"

Song Zhi You chuckle

"I am always smiling"

"Do you think i don't know your real and fake smile?"

Song Zhi You nod in agreement

"I don't know if i did but there was a warm feeling within me"

Lu Zhimming's eyes brighten then laugh happily.

"I will give you more warm then"

"Then thank you"

Her answer that makes him laugh more.

The executives in the meeting room were speechless about their president's behavior, he answer a phone call while in the middle of an important meeting and then happily chat and flirt, forgetting about them!

Now showing off his happiness to them? does he want a fight?

After the call, he continue the meeting in such a great mood that the others can only sigh and shake their heads.

It's the first time that their president being so interested in a woman, although he is young only almost 23, but he is too cold.

A lot of young women and even older tried a lot of means to climb into his bed and yet, all of them fail.

He didn't give them a chance at all, he is not interested in them.

That night regardless of his busy schedule, Lu Zhimming ate dinner with Song Zhi You.

"Is biochemistry interesting?"

Song Zhi You nod, she really took the course major in biochemistry.

She read a book out of curiosity then it really piqued her interest.

She did not expect much but, she felt it is really interesting.

"So far i like it"

"Then if you lost interest, what you will do?"

Lu Zhimming ask while looking intently at her, waiting for her answer

Song Zhi You look back at him while answering seriously

"I rarely got interested in something, i guess i have only 3 interests"

She pauses then continue

"Business, biochemistry and you"

Lu Zhimming felt that there is an auditory illusion so he ask again

"I don't think i heard it clearly"

Song Zhi You roll her eyes and repeat her words with a louder voice

"My 3 interests are, Business, Biochemistry and You! Lu Zhimming!"

Lu Zhimming is finally sure that he heard it clearly so he grins foolishly

"I hope this interest of yours will last forever"

"I can't promise but i guess i never let go of the thing i got interested in"

This answer definitely makes Lu Zhimming the happiest.

"Then don't let go"