Chapter 42

Lu Zhimming noticed that Song Zhi You's body tensed up, although he is not sure if its because of the name Jiang Yi Yue or his hug but as long as there is a reaction from her

"We all grew up together only that! i have nothing to do to her okay? if you want i won't attend any party with them"

Song Zhi You relaxed her tense body and said softly

"Who cares?"

He chuckles and sniffs her neck that makes her body tense up again

"What are you doing?! let go!"

Lu Zhimming laugh and instead of following her he hugs her tighter and then whisper

"Little beast i really like you, officially be mine okay?"

Song Zhi You froze and look at him suddenly, so now their noses are sticking together.

She blink and blink and was about to move away but Lu Zhimming catch the back of her neck and kiss her again.

It was not the same as earlier, this time she felt that he want to eat her, want to possess her, and embed her to his bone.

After the long and hard kiss Song Zhi You's usual cold face is blushing with her unfocused eyes, the impact on Lu Zhimming is like a volcano that will erupt anytime.

He sigh trying so hard to control his beastly urge and said in a hoarse voice

"Little beast, you like me too right?"

Song Zhi You recover from his question and tilt her head so there is a little more gap between them

"How do you know that you like me?"

Her innocent question makes Lu Zhimming laugh again.

He forgets, his little beast is wild and innocent to almost all the emotions a mortal has.

"You care about me?"

She nods

"You think about me?"

She nods

"You miss me when i am not around?"

Again she nods

"You are always worried about me?"

She didn't think and just nod again

"You always want to be with me?"

She pauses and look into his eyes, and slowly nod

"You feel empty if i am not around?"

She doesn't know about feeling empty but her temper is bad when she can't see him for a day,

Seeing her confused so he ask again

"If i am not around you are in a bad mood?"

She froze and nod, Lu Zhimming laugh, very happy about his sweetheart's answer so his hug become tighter.

"Little beast that means you like me too!"

She blinks and purse while asking

"Is that how you feel?"

"No! more than that! i want to tie you beside me, i don't want you out of my sight even for a second, i don't want another looking at you, touching you, or even just thinking about you! i only want you to look at me no one else"

Song Zhi You felt heat in her face and said in a low tone

"What you are thinking is impossible"

Lu Zhimming is appreciating her blushing face while asking

"What impossible?"

"I have school, you have to work, i have to go out and so are you and i can't stop the people from looking, as long as they don't cross the line i can't do anything about it"

Lu Zhimming was dumbfounded for a while then finally laugh loudly again, then compromise

"Then let me live with you starting today okay?"

Sing Zhi You think for a while then finally agreed, she also likes the idea of him and her living together.

Lu Zhimming smile gently seeing her agreeing, but the fire in his eyes is well concealed.

He knows that in his little beast mind, that living together's meaning is literal.

She doesn't know that living together is a lover is not only living together but he can slowly teach his innocent little beast.

He will teach her a lot! from good to bad to extremely bad about 'living together'.

Anyway, he knows that he won't change his mind about Song Zhi you and if she change her mind then.

Coercion is the beast's way to have their ways.