Chapter 44

Song Zhi You was silent for a moment then said solemnly

"I do trust you! i don't when it started but i do"

Lu Zhimming almost jump with happiness, only he knows how important the words trust to Song Zhi You!

She is a wild beast! grew up in the wild and live alone for 18 years!

She won't show her fang to anyone but she will inadvertently growl at those who will step into her dangerous boundary.

Even though she is surrounded she is still alone, no one can pass that tall and thick wall.

But hearing her saying that she trusts him, really makes him truly happy.

"I won't betray you or destroy your trust my little beast"

Song Zhi You snort

"Go ahead and try then! It's either you die or i"

Lu Zhimming was stunned then seriously said

"We will live together for hundreds of years! no more talking about dying okay?"

Song Zhi You really never cared about her life but losing Lu Zhimming is unthinkable so she regreted it directly but hearing his words she is a relief.

"Yes, we will!".

The assistant was shocked seeing how their relationship proceed this fast!

Faster than the bullet train, jet plane, or maybe even the space shuttles can't hold a candle to his boss!

The most unbelievable thing is, if he is not mistaken they just confirm their relationship and yet now they will start cohabiting?

Lu Zhimming is really the man among the man! he inwardly praises him almost kneeling.

After putting down all his boss asked for he hurriedly left doesn't want to watch his boss being too sticky to his girlfriend.

"I will cook!sit in the living room first!"

Lu Zhimming didn't want to let go so he cheekily said

"I will just hug from the back then"

Song Zhi You sigh

"But it will be dangerous"

Her gently coaxing

"Be good and sit down okay?"

Lu Zhimming squint his eyes and kiss her hard before leaving her alone.

Song Zhi You shake her head helplessly seeing his pitiful expression but still proceed cooking.

She wanted to cook faster to coax her boyfriend.

Lu Zhimming didn't have enough on sticking to Song Zhi You.

He sigh and decided to just busy himself watching anything.

Song Zhi You only took 30 minutes but for Lu Zhimming it was like forever so after she cooked he immediately hug her again.

"Did you wait long?"

Lu Zhimming pouted but shook his head that makes Song Zhi You felt helpless again

"Sorry! next time i will cook faster"

Lu Zhimming finally smile

"I don't want you to have any accident while cooking so no need to pressure yourself"

Song Zhi You hug him and nod but still think of a way to cook more faster.

After having a lot of hugs and kisses they finally ate their dinner.

Song Zhi You want to fix Lu Zhimming's things, she thought that he was only joking about sleeping together but unexpectedly he was serious!

"Little beast don't worry! i won't eat you"

Song Zhi You was raised as a man from her past life so her 'friends' are all men so she knew what kind of 'eating' Lu Zhimming are saying so she said

"I am only 18"

Lu Zhimming was surprised, he thought that she is clueless about this kind of thing, but hearing her answer he chuckle

"Okay i will wait till you turn 19"

Song Zhi You think for a second then shook her head


Lu Zhimming is helpless, but knowing that she is willing he is happier.

"Okay then 20"

Song Zhi You was about to proceed with arranging his clothes but ask

"You can handle it?"

Lu Zhimming laugh loudly, then said in a solemn tone

"Little beast i will try my very best to control myself okay?"

"I-if you can't then i will help you with another way"

She said almost audible but still enough to be heard by him

Lu Zhimming froze then happily hug her while laughing,

Unexpectedly his little beast is really something else.

She is innocent about emotions but crook on so many things.