Trial (7)

[ Cringe warning! This chapter, especially at the end is super cringe!]

Ye Lingling stopped when she heard Xu Shuang's words, she then quickly blushed when she realized what she just did.

"Okay." She muttered with a red face as she put her two pointer fingers together looking extremely cute.

After saying that, only then did Xu Shuang notice that the tree mark on Ye Lingling's head had a little glow on them, so she asked.

"Lingling, your mark is glowing, did you gain something from the gods?"

"Ah! Really? I'll check if there's anything new." Ye Lingling then closed her eyes as she tried to communicate with the mark on her forehead.

Then she quickly opened her eyes with surprise and delight flashing through them, and to Xu Shuang's surprise, she was once again hugged by Ye Lingling.

"Thank you, Thank you, Xu Shuamg, thank you for completing this trial with me." Ye Lingling wined as tears flowed down her eyes, but those are happy tears relevant to her smiling mouth.

Xu Shuang patted Ye Lingling's back confused, but looking at her smile, she assumed that Ye Lingling gained something good from completing this trial.

A few minutes later Ye Lingling calmed down, but one can still see the joy and excitement in her eyes.

"What did you get from the completion of the trial that you will be so excited, Lingling?"

"Xu Shuang, I obtained something amazing from the completion of the trial, something that all auxiliary spirit masters dream, something they all desperately wanted."

"I gained the ability to protect myself, I was rewarded with 10% affinity with the life element granting me the basic ability to control plants to defend myself."

After saying all of that, Ye Lingling summoned her martial spirit and controlled a tree, and made it extend into a table and two chairs.

Xu Shuang and Ye Lingling both sat down at the table and took out a dish of pantries and ate them to relax and rest from the earlier fight.

"Lingling, it's great that you can now defend yourself, although still weak, you are not completely helpless now when a fight starts."

"Just your reward alone already made this trip worth it, now I can't wait to see what reward I can get when I finished my trial."

Xu Shuang was very excited thinking of what rewards she could get when Ye Lingling's alone are already quite good.

"Yes, it's great that the rewards are good, but I'm worried that the danger will be even more than this one, it might be even a spirit beast especially designed to counter you." Ye Lingling implied worriedly.

"HAHAHAHA! Don't worry, even if it's a spirit beast that can counter me, it will not matter, since I'm confident that I can win the fight." Xu Shuang laughed with glaring confidence flashing in her eyes.

"Lingling, have you rested enough? If so, let's go get back and get my trial started too."

"Aren't you gonna rest for some more, Xu Shuang? After all you just went through a big fight, so I thought you are gonna rest for long." Ye Lingling asked worriedly, if something went wrong with Xu Shuang fighting the trial because she has not rested enough, then she wouldn't know what to do.

"I already rested well enough with you healing me, I'm already back to my peak state, I'm asking if you have rested enough that it won't affect the battle in my trial later."

"Well, if you say so, then we can now leave this trial space and head for your trial." Ye Lingling smiled as she got up from the chair and started to go back to where they first descended because the portal is there to go back to the white space.

Back in the white space, the two didn't stay for too long and immediately went through the purple portal, which ended up taking them into a huge arena the size of an acre.

The huge arena has no other obstacles, just a huge flat arena with nothing else in it, and in the middle of the arena is a small silver hill, Xu Shuang can't make up what it is but it should be the spirit beast she needed to fight.

As they walked closer the hill's look became more and more clear, with gleaming silver scales and a huge body like a small hill, with sharps claws that shines with a sharp light, huge silver wings, and a long tail with a trident at the end, with horns shaped like a crown on the head.

Then as if sensing something it stood up and opened its eyes revealing tender pink eyes, it then lowered its head and saw Xu Shuang and Ye Lingling, it opened its mouth and spoke in the shocked eyes of the two.

"Human, you must be the one told by god to be my partner for the future, but, I won't accept you if you are weaker than me."

"In this trial, you need to defeat me to have the right to be my partner, and I'll lend you my strength for the rest of your life."

Its soft voice was the softest voice Xu Shuang heard in her entire life much softer than Ye Lingling's, then she was shocked by the context of its words.

Just from the dragon's words alone, one can see who is the favorite heir between the two Xu Shuang and Ye Lingling, just this alone shows it, what about the later rewards it must be more luxurious right?

"Are there any rules for this trial?" Xu Shuang asked trying to get a clearer view of the rules.

"The only rules are as follows:

1. The fight is a one-on-one match, meaning you can't get any help from other people like healing and buffs.

2. The match will only stop when one is defeated like being unable to move due to serious injuries, any other than that the match will continue.

3. I will only accept 5 match challenges, if you still haven't managed to defeat me after 5 matches then you will fail this trial and you will be given a new spirit beast to fight. Though that one is not as strong as me."

With subtle bragging at the end, the dragon raised its head proudly displaying all its silver body, and looked at Xu Shuang and asked.

"So, are you ready for the first match, human?"

"Wait, is there a place for my companion to rest first before we start?" Xu Shuang asked pointing to Ye Lingling.

"Oh, there's a door at the west end of the arena and there's a living area in there that has complete functions of a home like a bedroom, kitchen, etc." The silver dragon answered, a little too professional on its part.

"You can go inside there to rest first Lingling, I'll handle the battle first." Xu Shuang smiled as she hugged Ye Lingling before returning in front of the silver dragon as they watched her go to the room in the west.

"Now, we can get back to business, state thou's name human for thyself don't fight those of the unknown." The silver dragon said as it spread its wings and a sharp glint flashed in its eyes preparing for battle.

'The chuunibyo aura of this dragon is over 9000.' Xu Shuang thought as she died of cringe inside when she listen to the dragon's words.

"Is there something funny, Human?" The silver dragon asked as it saw Xu Shuang's shaking shoulder.

"No, it's nothing, my name is Xu Shuang, I would like to know the name of thee, as thyself does not fight those who are unknown." Xu Shuang answered with the same level of chuunibyo aura as the dragon.

Hearing her words, the silver dragon got excited, feeling that it finally has someone that understands her, so it laughed loudly as it answered.

"Remember Thee, thyself name's is Yin Jinyun, the future Dragon King of White Clouds!"

"Are thou ready for the exciting battle to be commenced?!"

"Thyself has been more than ready for this battle!"

"" LET'S START! ""

With their shouts they instantly rushed at each other, with Xu Shuang instantly going to her strongest state without Ye Lingling with all her spirit abilities used.