Kai captured.

Kai's house.


Lilnax:You can leave the girl Here. Kai is coming with us. And Qai you can carry the bombs with us.

Qai:Ard bet.

(The kinky person grabs Kai and Qai grabs the bombs)

Lilnax:Alright boys back to Lower Diray.

Aramda (Barely awake):Lower dairy?

(Lilnax flies away and teleports The Kinky person Kai and Qai too lower dairy)

Armada:That where are. Lower dairy…..

(Armada passes out again)

One hour later.

(Kai's mother makes it home.)

Kai's mother:Kai!!! I'm home…..

(Kai's mother take a look around the house)

Kai's mother:Kai? What the hell happened in this house.

(No response)

Kai's mother:BOY! I know you hear me!

(Still no response)


(Still no response once again)


(As Kai's mother walks Upstairs, she sees Armada on the floor.)

Kai's mother:Oh my god. ON MY GOD ARMADA!

(Kai's mother shakes Armada to wake her up)

Armada:*Wakes up but is still a little dizzy* Huh? What's Going on?

Kai's mother:Oh my god what happened here.

Armada:Right..Um I remember I think. The…The um curse..The lovesick curse..it's back!

Kai's mother:What? What are you talking about? I told you and them boys to get off [That weed shit!]

Armada:No…No I'm serious. Lilnax took Kai

And his brother.

Kai's mother:Are your serious?

Armada:Yes…..Yes I am serious.

Kai's mother(Worried):Oh god my two boys. MY BABY BOYS!! Who know what that demon Lilnax is doing with them.

Armada:I think there at Lower dairy. I overheard Lilnax saying that there going there.

Kai's mother:Wait so does that mean that Lilnax held Lower dairy hostage?


Kai's mother:Oh my god what are we going to do?

Armada:I gotta get them back.

Kai's Mother:WHAT?

Armada:I said I gotta get them back!

Kai's mother:No. it's too dangerous. I'll just call the cops.

Armada:No. that will benefit Lilnax.

Kai's mother:How?

Armada:If the cops have there badges showing, Lilnax Would just make them lovesick. And just like that he would get the sheriff, then the mayor, and then the government and the president. And then the world

Kai's mother:Why doesn't he just do that then.

Armada:If I remember. [Miguel said it was because of Reality sorcerers and us the dynasties. And also because the government would probably figure out what is going on then war will start and shit like that. and he also said that The lovesick curse wouldn't work on Reality Sorcerers unless the person doing that lovesick stuff is a Really Sorcerer. ]

(Reality Sorcerers are types of people in the ENTER REALITY novel)

Kai's mother:You know this Miguel gay sound s pretty strong why don't you ask him to do this shit?

Armada:He's kinda missing.

Kai's Mother:OHH OF COURSE HE IS!!

Armada:Just please let me save them.

Kai's mother:Why?

Armada:Because if I was kidnapped Kai would do that same thing. So why would I just stand here? While my boyfriend and his brother is missing?

Kai's mother:Why. My child had really found a loyal woman. Fine you can try the save my two boys. But your going to need some stuff before.Wait there.

(5 minutes later)

Armada:Are those bombs?

Kai's mother:Yes.

Armada:I thought Lilnax took them all.

Kai's Mother:Damn.. those where probably Kai's and Qai's bombs.and these are my bombs that I'm giving you.

Armarda:Shit Ok bet.

Kai's Mother:And here are my keys to my other car. There's never more bombs there.


Kai's mother:Save my sons Aramda!

Aramda:I promise!

(Aramda gets in Kai's mother's car and drives off to Lower diary, cuts to Lower dairy Kai wakes up in a empty Classroom)

Kai:Bro….where the fuck am I?

(Kai is sitting in a desk and his brother Qai is across from him.)

Kai:Yo Qai! What the fuck happened?

Qai:Shut the fuck up.

Kai:Bro what?


(Qai Punches kai's broken hand)


(Kai notices that Qai eyes are pink)

Kai:Bro…It got you bro? Your lovesick?

(Lilnax walk into the room)

Lilnax:Welcome the lower dairy Kai!


Lilnax:*Acts scared* Looks like someone is angry. Get outta here Qai. Let me talk to him.

Qai:Alright bro.

(Qai leaves and Lilnax takes his seat)

Kai:How did you come back?

(Lilnax says nothing)


Lilnax: *hands over a piece of paper* write your name down.

Kai:bro You really think It was going to be that easy?

Lilnax:Nope but it was worth a shot. So I know you got some questions so I will answer those questions,


Lilnax:Ohh no no no that that question.

Kai:You said you would answer my questions

Lilnax:Yeah just not that one.

Kai:Whatever bro. How did you take control of Lower dairy?

Lilnax:Cause every and even that teacher is a god damn dumbass and they fell straight into my trap. I would have done the same thing to Zenn hood but [All the information are not valuable in my eyes]

Kai:Ok well since your not gonna tell me how you came back.Why did you come back?

Lilnax:Revenge, and to accomplish my main goal being. Make all the dynasties Decendents lovesick. Well most of them.


Lilnax:Your pushing it.

Kai:Bro what question will you answer?

Lilnax:You know. Questions like. "Hey Lilnax, how was your day" or "Hey Lilnax, what's you favorite snack" or "Hey Lilnax, how many bitches you can pull?"

Kai:*Gets closer* you think imma ask you those questions after you fucking kipnapped me and Possessed my brother? We ain't friends my N**** so you got two opinions you can Un-possess my brother. Or I can fuck you up with one fucking hand.

Lilnax:*Also gets closer* you forgot one more opinion bubbly. I can make you lovesick just like little brother. All I have to do is ask your brother to write your name down. So you better calm you ass down and stop talking advantage over the fact that I'm not going to kill you.

Kai:Why do you want me and the other Dynasties lovesick huh?

Lilnax:You know the full name of the KST Sprit Dynasty right?

Kai:Yeah so what?

Lilnax:And [You not aloud to say his full name or write it down at all right?]

Kai:Ohh I see now. You trying to make our dynasty lovesick.

Lilnax:Yep. And I really want to see what the dynasty's truly are. Like I don't know if it is a group because your family members don't have your abilities right?


Lilnax:Exactly. So I want to control all the dynasties and the dynasty descendants.

Kai:Can't you just make my dynasty lovesick them.

Lilnax:Nope. Because I still got one problem. And it's the strongest dynasty and the strongest dynasty descendent. NTJ Tank, and Miguel.

Kai: I see.

Lilnax:I told you enough.

Kai:Why did you tell me this shit in the first place?

Lilnax:*Gets really close to Kai.* because your going to be lovesick. And you won't be able to tell a single Soul.

Kai:You gotta be one confident and cocky person huh?

Lilnax:I guess you can say that. *Starts to walk away* enjoy you last moments of self awareness.

Qai you came come back now and write his name.

Qai:Got your bro.

Lilnax:Imma go and place these bombs where we want to place them. Imma be back in like 5 minutes and if everything goes wrong Imma give you the power to make him lovesick.

Qai:Ard cool.

(Lilnax flys off with bombs in a bag.As Qai starts Writing Kai's name down)

Qai:Yes sir got his full name down and now—

(Kai throws the chair he was sitting on right at Qai's forehead,stunning Qai)

Kai:Sorry little bro. but it is what it is.

(Kai unwraps the The Tape on his hand and Wraps it around both of Qai's hands.)


Kai:Imma come back for you bro.

(Kai tries to open the door but it was locked)

Kai:Wow locked the damn door. Ok I just gotta kick its down. Ok…Leg day style!

(This is Kai's Leg day style. The strength of his legs increases and he does all Kick based attacks)

Kai:It's been so long since I did this shit

(Kai kicks the door down)

Kai:And i still got itsalways wanted To do that. Those legs days really bene—-

(Some of the Lovesick lower dairy members are walking around the halls and they all see Kai.)

Kai:Oh shit.

Lower Diary Student:THE N**** HAS ESCAPED!!

Lower Diary Student:FUCK IM UP!

Kai:Well then I gotta just fuck up everyone.

(Suddenly Kai and the lower diary students hears a car.)

Kai:What was that?

(Cuts to the front door)

Lower Diary student:What is it bro.

Lower Diary Student:It's a car…..DRIVING THIS WAY IN FULL SPEED OH SHI—-

(The car crashes throw the front of lower diary)




Amarda:Ok I'm coming!

Lower Diary Student:IT'S THE FEMALE!! GET HER!

Armada:Shit! Um of these bombs work? Do I just talk the pin out and throw it?

(Armada take the pin out and throw the bomb)

Lower diary student:Is that a grenade?

(The bomb explodes)

Kai:I really hope that the bombs are on Non-Kill mode.

(The lower diary members charges at Kai. Kai dodges and blocks all there does Rapid 360 Turn Kicks on everyone)

Kai:Bro my legs feel so free!

(Kai sees a fat person walking but the stairs)

Kai:Oh shit a big boy. You see I would be scared of you if I was a bitch ass N**** and I was one at a point. But shit change now.

Fat boy:*Screams*

Kai:Not ass breath.

(Kai does a running drip kick right a the fat boy's stomach and that kick was as hard that he pushed him down the stairs)

Kai:Damn my legs strong.

(More Lower Diary students are running upstairs to get Kai)

Kai:Y'all don't want smoke bro.

(Aramda Causes more and more explosions,Taking out the people trying to get Kai)

Kai:God damn I forget how these bombs smell.

Aramda:Kai is that you?


(Aramda runs the Kai and gives him a big hug)

Aramda:Oh my god me and you mom was so worried about you!

Kai:You really came all the way here for me. You really are a W girlfriend.

Armada:Yeah I know.

(Suddenly the ceiling explodes)

Armada:What the fuck?

Kai:It's my brother….

(Qai jumps down from the ceiling and rips the tape out of his hand)

Kai:Where the hell did you find the bombs?

Qai:Lilnax gave me some.

Kai:Listen bro i ain't trynna bud my little bro.

Qai:You don't gotta choice. You was always moms favorite. Dad's favorite as well.


Qai:You always get the most time on the game while i'm out here constantly working with dad and always helping mom. And you would just be chilling on the that god damn game!

Kai:Bro where this coming form.

Qai:I also thought that you would have my back no matter what. But then you found the bitch!

Armada: Excuse me?

Kai:Listen Qai this ain't you.

Qai:LET ME FINISH! and when you pulled one bitch I was basically forgotten.

Kai:Bro what is you talking about.

Qai:You know what let me ask you a question Kai. Who do you fuck with more? Me, or your girlfriend?

Kai:(How do I answer that question without pissed both of them off?)

(10 seconds pass)

Qai:It's the fact that you got to think about it….You really have to think about if you fuck with YOUR OWN BLOOD OR SOME GODDAMN FEMALE YOU [KNEW FOR LIKE A YEAR.]

(Qai wips out a belt that has bombs attached to it)

Kai:Aramda….The bombs.

Aramda:Where are you going to put all of them?

Kai:I have my ways.

(Aramda gives all the bombs to Kai and Kai also wips out a belt with bombs attached to it)

Kai:Bro that's not how shit is bro. Your my brother you know I love you.

Qai:Stop the bullshit. Your only saying that because I told you how I actually feel. And you know you don't want to fight me neither. First of all you have one working hand. Second of all how many times I whooped your ass?

Kai:How many times I whooped yours. *Looks at Aramda* hide somewhere. This is just me and him.

Aramda:Your sure? I can help.

Kai:Yes. I'm sure.

(Aramda hides somewhere)

Kai:This what you wanted? Is this truly what your wanted. Doing all this shit to get My attention after getting a girl?

Qai:It's truly crazy how this i how I get your attention...

Kai:I'm only doing this to knock the lovesick shit out of your head.

Qai:Ha! Yeah good luck with that one.That will never happen.

Kai:Shut the fuck up! You know what? How about we both Shut the fuck up and fight until the very last explosion.

Qai:Sounds fine with me.

Hey guys this is the author of this book and ENTER REALITY and BLACK RIPPER here. and I would like to apologize for my very inaccurate schedule lately. You see like I always say in the end of my chapters I'm just 16 so I have school and school work to do. Also the last few days I have been very sick and that is really messing me up. But after this



Coming next week


ENTER REALITY Chapter 23:M.A.S.K Battle Royale coming today or next week

BLACK RIPPER Chapter 3:coming today or next week

Author's Instagram:Blackboi888._(Yes I am just 16)

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