Zacky the CEO...

Everyone is sitting on the sofa quietly. The meeting is yet to start. The Eastern company's people are thinking about where to start from and Zacky is thinking about how to act like his master. Because he still couldn't prepare himself to act like Richard Parker aka Daniel Makenzi.

Richard Parker is Daniel's Pseudonym. Everyone knows him as Richard Parker in this normal world. And he uses his real name for the mafia world because for him, the mafia world is the real world or the world he really belongs from.

" Should we start the meeting Mr. Parker?" Mr. Mickeal asked.

" Cough.... Yeah, let's start." Zacky said.

But before Era could start her project speech Zacky again stopped her.

" By the way, what would you like to have? Tea or coffee?" Zacky asked.

Hearing him, everyone becomes happy realizing how nice the CEO of Mak Hotels and Corporation is. They were taking stress for nothing.

So Mr. Mickeal is about to say something maybe he was about to reply about what he prefers to drink when suddenly Zacky looked at Era ignoring everyone.

" My...mi....l mean Ms. Steve, what would you like to drink?" Zacky asked with a smile.

" Me...?" Era asked confusingly.

" Yes, Ms. Steve," Zacky replied. Still smiling ear to ear.

Daniel scoffed seeing Zacky like that. ' When did he start behaving like that?' he thought.

" Coffee will be alright." Era simply replied.

After that, every other employee started to get ready to answer Zacky when he will ask them the same. But unfortunately, that time never came.

Because hearing Era's answer, skipping all the other employees, Zacky directly looked at Daniel and said in an ordered tone.

" Mas... Cough...Dan...Daniel." It was really difficult for Zacky to call his master by his name which he never did.

" Go and prepare coffee for everyone," Zacky ordered Daniel.

Daniel tilted his head hearing Zacky ordered him out of blue. He wasn't expecting Zacky to enter into his character that much.

" What...what are you waiting for? Don't you know l don't like to waste time?" Zacky scolds Daniel.

It seems like Zacky is taking full advantage of his role.

" Yes, boss. Anything else?" Daniel gives a forced smile and started to leave without even waiting for him to say anything.

' But l don't drink coffee.' Mr. Mickeal said but no one gives any attention to him.

Everyone felt a little strange in front of Daniel like getting different vibes from him. It feels like he is in another term with his boss.

" Okay, Ms. Steve, let's start our meeting now," Zacky said with a smile. " l have seen your design. I must say, it was really a piece of art and l really wanted something like that for my new hotel."

Zacky started to compliment Era fully instead of talking about the project.

Daniel stopped midway hearing Zacky talking so sweetly with Era. He scoffed again. He knows Zacky just wanted to send Daniel away so that he could talk to Era freely which was his long-awaited wish.

But in the next second thinking about how Zacky scolded or ordered Daniel, his anger started to fume.

" Just have fun as long as you have your power boy," Saying that he started to make coffee for everyone.

It is his first time making coffee and even for someone else and so he is trying to make it very carefully because he wants to give it to Era. But the rest of the cups... that's just the history.


" Thud...."

A loud sound comes from the side where Daniel just put some files that Zacky asked for.

Daniel is fuming from the inside because of Zacky. He is not letting Daniel sit beside Era for a single second properly instead he is just ordering him to bring coffee or files or a pen or etc.etc..

Everyone flinched hearing that sound. Even Zacky gulped a mouth full of saliva thinking how his master fumed from the inside.

Mr. Mickeal frowned seeing Daniel behave like that. Even other employees also thought about why he is looking like that. But they all couldn't say anything as they thought in Mak corporation, Daniel's position might be much higher than they think.

" Do you need something else boss?" Daniel asked in a threatening tone as if, Zacky say yes then he is ready to bury him here right then.

" it's okay. You can sit now." Zacky replied with an apologetic smile. " Yes are doing a great job." Then Zacky patted his shoulder to calm him down.

Era chuckled seeing them like that. Nobody could tell what is going on between Daniel and Mr. Parker. But Era can as she has seen them together like how they both are like friends in real life.

Then they all again started to discuss the project.

" Then, let's end the meeting here." Zacky declared.

" Ms. Steve, you did a great job today," Zacky said with a smile.

" Thank you, Mr. Parker." Era bowed her head a little and smiled back.

The other employees started to feel a little jealous over how Zacky is treating Era from the very first they entered the office.

But they thought of ignoring it as the one whose design selected is Era and for whom they got to meet Mr. Richard Parker for the first time. And also they got the biggest deal so far.

" Then from today, you need to work with us often. But don't worry l...." Zacky couldn't finish his sentence when Daniel said.

" l....l will take care of her boss. You are too busy to look after it. So don't worry boss l will take care of Er...l mean Ms. Steve." Daniel said with a smile.

Zacky pouted secretly hearing him. That means he can't spend more time with his miss which he really wanted.

" Huh, l shouldn't have let master sit here," Zacky complained to himself.

After that, the Eastern company's people left as their work has done.

" You guys have done a great job." Mr. Mickeal said in excitement.

" Boss, shouldn't treat us somewhere good?" one of the employees said.

" Of course why not." Mr. Mickeal replied. "Let's go right now to an expensive hotel to celebrate."

Everyone becomes excited hearing that. But Era is looking at her phone because of a massage and said.

" Boss, please go without me. I have some work to do. So l will join you after lunch."

" Why? You are the main guest for today's party. How can we go without you." Another employee said.

" It's okay. You guys go. I will join you after some time later." Era said with a smile.

After that, they left without Era and then she left to go somewhere else in hurry.

" Did you wait for long?" Era asked after coming to the parking lot.

" No. I just came." Daniel replied. He was waiting for Era in his car.

Then Daniel smiled and patted Era's head. " You did a good job today."

" Thanks. By the way, how was the surprise?" Era asked in excitement.

" Surprise?" Daniel becomes confused.

" Hmm... I didn't let you know that my design got selected and that l am coming to your company." Era said.

At first, Daniel forgot about that but when Era told him then he remember and said, " Ye...yeah, l was really surprised seeing you there."

" Really?" Era smiled.

After that Daniel started the car to go to a beautiful restaurant and suddenly laughed secretly.

Daniel suddenly realized how did he fall for such a naive girl. It's not like even if Daniel didn't see her design before still he couldn't get to know that Era was coming.

Even if we see it from an assistant perspective still Daniel has to book the appointment due to the company information and the person who designed the project. So by that also Daniel could have known that it was Era.

But it seems like she couldn't get to notice it due to the excitement. This is how naive and innocent Era is.