A side character

In an average apartment there was a man that was reading and scrolling through text on his tablet.

He showed a look of annoyance after he reached the ending. "There are so many plot holes in this but I still had the patience to wait it out… seriously author. Where are the explanations for all of the things I asked?! This story makes no sense!"

He had been patient and had stuck around until the very end but he never got a proper answer to his questions. "Damned the authors love for the main character and damned the illogical side characters who supported the main character for no real reason.I still did not get any answers about the main antagonists in the story too, I know they were set up to make the main character look better and achieve their revenge but the supporting characters were too easily attracted that it was too illogical. The main character was described as quite pretty but that would not be enough for them to turn against others for the sake of the main character."

The web novel which he had read was called super apocalypse, returning for vengeance which was within the category of super power, end of the world, zombie, mutants, regression, revenge and weak to strong tagged stories.

It featured a female lead who had her family die for some mysterious reason more than ten years before the apocalypse, her father's brother took her in and tricked her from a young age into signing over the family assets.

After the apocalypse came, the family did their best to survive and the female lead was used by her uncle many times over until she was betrayed and handed over to a mysterious group which used her as a lab rat.

The story began once she had died and returned to fulfil her revenge, using her future knowledge she was able to collect supplies, buy weapons or tools and make preparations to unlock her ability in the best conditions possible.

One of the main antagonists in the first volume was her uncle which resulted in his death but his daughter had been spared to go through a lot of misery and suffering which made her turn into one of the later antagonists that aimed to bring her down and get revenge for her father's death.

One of the things which had annoyed the readers was that the daughter of the main character's uncle was originally very innocent and did not actively participate in hurting the main character in the past or in the previous timeline but the main character still allowed her to undergo a harsh life.

The cousin then turned evil as a result of the main character taking her revenge which resulted in the cousin wanting revenge which was only fair but by the time she had gained any power for herself, she was betrayed by her close allies who had set a trap for her.

She originally had close bonds with each of them and it had grown stronger during the apocalypse through life and death battles but that strong bond was broken after a couple of nonsensical misunderstandings and encounters with the main character which did not properly explain properly why they had turned to the main character's side.

Many had speculated that the main character had a hidden power that was not written into the story or that the author simply favoured his main character too much so the world was often written in a way that solved the main characters problems with ease so that the face-slapping and revenge could begin.

Many other antagonists met similar fates as they were betrayed by their allies or they had unfortunate events happen to them out of nowhere for no rhyme or reason which allowed the main character to be able to get her revenge.

The man wrote a long review which pointed out his disappointment towards the story then at the end he wrote. "It must be a luck or influence type power right? The ability to cause bad luck to others or steal good fortune away? Or perhaps a seduction or mental type manipulation power? However it must not be an active ability that the main character can recognise or control since they do not bring it up in the story or try to actively manipulate it."

If the author had not written such abilities in then the main character must not have been aware of it or actively used it within the story while they already had a single power just like others according to the author.

However it was not strange for the main characters to have an extra power, an overpowered power or some special and useful ability that would suit the current world.

Water type, plant type or space type powers were the most useful for any zombie and mutated power type novel but the main character often had an advantage over others which allowed them to rise to the top of the power structure of the story so having two powers was not uncommon.

The biggest overpowered ability was the main character's growing space which could be used to grow and store things while providing a spirit spring to cleanse the body and unlock the innate powers in the body in such stories.

Sometimes villains or powerful allies of the protagonist would appear with a powerful mental power which was difficult to fight against but the power level of the protagonist helped to overcome the effects to allow them to subdue or kill them.

After finishing his rant about the novel, he closed everything down and went to sleep. "Hah.. it is finally over. I wonder what I should read next?"

He went into a deep sleep and when morning came, he woke up and found something strange. "This.. is my room?"

The room he was in was very different to what he was previously in so he found it very strange then he looked down at his body.

His hands were full of callouses which did not match his previous soft hands and his skin seemed to have become more youthful without any damage.

Upon getting out of bed, he ran towards the mirror and saw his appearance. "No.. who is this? What is happening!"

During his distress, he felt a large amount of pain in his head which made him pass out.

A lot if memories played one after another in his mind as they were being assimilated into him but there was a voice which spoke. "Please protect the young miss. Please do what I could not do."

Once everything had been absorbed by the man, he woke up and held his hand near his heart. "Damn what is this? Some kind of impulse? The other bodies desires or feelings? How troublesome! Why did it have to be that guy?"

He could feel that he had inherited the body, experiences and memories of the original owner of the body but it was in exchange of also inheriting the original purpose of the owner.

Some would refer to such a thing as a heart demon or a lingering attachment of the original body and the new owner would be bound to it.

Some were simpler tasks to fulfil like revenge which allowed them to inherit the body without having further problems but there were more permanent ones which were more long term and possibly could be in effect for the whole life of the new owner. "So I will be bound to protect one person for my whole life in this crazy world and it just had to be her! Why did I have to reincarnate as him!? Now I have to protect the female antagonist and possibly even the main character's enemy just so that I can stop her from becoming a villainess."

Among the characters, there was one person that did not turn against the cousin of the main character and that was the young bodyguard which the cousin had brought into the family and sponsored.

He was able to later awaken a power but it was a defensive type and it could not stand up to the combined forces of the main character and her supporters so he perished trying to protect the person who took him in until the very end.

If he was not an enemy of the main character then he may have become a well liked and important character who was very loyal but the author had removed him along with the cousin of the main character once they had served their purpose. "So now I have to live on as a side character which had been lazily named and had very little involvement in the story until his final moments.

From now I am Brick.. Well.. it definitely suits a thuggish side character or a body guard type. From my memories, I am currently still an apprentice in training and was recently beaten up by my teacher. Being slightly injured and unwell is a good excuse to get out of work."

Overall, Brick looked quite well built and athletic for a seventeen year old who was the same age as the main character and her cousin's who he had to protect.

Brick did not have any special qualities about him since he looked quite ordinary but he had a decent body which came from his hard work to become a bodyguard for the family.

He ran over to his safe and entered the key code which allowed it to be unlocked. "I need to prepare for the incoming dangers, the main character may have already begun her preparations. Warning everyone now when there have been no signs or warnings of an incoming apocalypse would only make me look crazy. I will have to leave all that for later."

Although he was disoriented and annoyed over his own situation, he had no time to waste since every moment was very precious to prepare for the incoming chaos that the apocalypse would bring.

He took out some notes and a bank card along with some other documents then left his home which was connected to the main residence where the main character lived.

He climbed over the wall and quickly escaped before anyone could see him leaving.

Not too long after he had left the main residence, another figure appeared and climbed over the wall in the same manner with a small bag of things on her back then headed towards the nearest pawn shop.

One person was a regressor who had knowledge of the future while the other was a reader who had read the whole story.

Both had set out to survive and carry out their own goals.